Factors Affecting Consumers’ Purchasing Decision of Sustainable Food Products.

Dear Respondents,

Hello, I’m Yeshareg Berhanu a third-year Batchelor student of Business Management at Klaipeda University. Currently, undertaking research entitled Factors Affecting Consumers’ Purchasing Decision of Sustainable Food Products. Sustainable food products are food products that are produced or grown sustainability incorporating the balance of the environmental, social, and economic interest of the planet earth.

This survey will be used for academic purposes maintaining the confidentiality of respondents. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes. Thank you for your participation!

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1. How often are you buying sustainable food products?

2. Do you find sustainable food products in adequate amounts and varieties in the stores?

3. Do you agree that sustainable food products are beneficial for the environment?

4. Do you find the available eco-labels on the market trustworthy/credible

5. Do you agree that purchasing sustainable food products have a significant benefit for your wellbeing and health?

6. Do you agree that sustainable food products are tastier than conventional food products?

7. Do you agree that Sustainable food products have higher quality than conventional food products?

8. Please rate, how important are these factors for you when making the decision to purchase sustainable food products?

9. Do you agree that your decision for purchasing sustainable food products is influenced by the following factors?

10. Studying at Klaipeda University made me want to buy sustainable food products

11. What is your gender?

12.Your age

13. You are,

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