Non users and users of e-commerce in Tanzania

I am an International sales and Marketing  Management student from IBA Kolding.  As part of my curriculum, I am required to write a thesis.  I chose to write about, an e-commerce platform in Africa. This survey is for Academic purposes only.
Dadorg .com connects buyers and sellers. This brief questionnaire will help Dadorg to get the opinion of Tanzanians  regarding  e-commerce.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate your participation.


This poll is inactive

1. Your Age

2. Gender

3. Please Tick your occupation?

4. Have you ever bought from an e-commerce website from inside or outside Tanzania?

5. How frequently do you shop through e-commerce websites?

6. Which is your most preferred e-commerce website?

7. Tick all the product varieties that you generally prefer buying online?

8. What challenges have you faced when buying online?

9. Which of the following do you consider to be strengths of a good e-commerce website?

10. Are you aware of Dadorg an e-commerce website ?

11. If No would you like to try buying something from Dadorg?

12. If Yes Would you like to recommend others using Dadorg platform?

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