Post-school Educational Provision (for employers)

What do you believe are the main concerns of employers regarding the current range and duration of post-school courses?

  1. Here in the UK , in our business , which is leisure , a high % of our staff are at university . I find then well educated but on a very limited range of topics . Post-pandemic this has become even more prevalent . The lack of simple life skills does amaze me . Many have grown in a bubble with little or no understanding about real life working . Many are in their first job at 19 ! Obviously as an older person , we started work much earlier , in my case 12 , maybe a little young . however it gave me experience of mixing with all ages , all backgrounds, race & religions by interacting daily with customers . This is the thing we find most difficult . Decent , well educated , mostly polite young people ...but lost in the real worl . We have to ground them & start again . I do wish secondary education/parents would prepare them more for the world . Many don't even know how to set up a bank account & pay bills :) Most cannot do mental arithmetic .
  2. Length of the courses
  3. How relevant are courses for the industry they are training to work in
  4. Prior life experience , also of the qualification is fit for purpose to future career prospects within a certain discipline
  5. In my experience, there is certainly a growing disconnection between what is being taught (and perhaps those doing the teaching) in further and higher education and the “real” world of business and practice. I also feel that there need to be closer links between business and education, something that has been lost in more recent
  6. lack of experience from people
  7. The students don't have enough knowledge of specific accounting situations.
  8. Some post school courses seem irrelevant and fail to prepare graduates adequately for the workplace.
  9. ............
  10. Koks darbdavys gali norėti, kad studentas du mėnesius paeiliui dirbtų ne savo tiesioginį darbą darbovietėje, taip kurdamas pridėtinę vertę, o eitų į aukštąją mokyklą, ir po poros mėnesių vėl tas pats pasikartotų?