Teachers GERDA

It would make my learning even greater if we had less/more of: / if Gerda focused more/less on:

  1. Gerda is very energetic and enthusiastic. She provides all the support that we need in the learning process. Gerda creates a friendly and cozy atmosphere in the class (or online) which makes it less awkward when we are slow to respond or unable to express ourselves clearly in Swedish. She stays focused and demanding.
  2. To write homework task straight after lesson
  3. More speaking exercises would prove useful to our ability to not only understand but also speak the language.
  4. It would be nice if Gerda focused a little bit more on the pronunciation.
  5. More of home studying. Focused more on listening exercises.
  6. It is okay as it is now
  7. Gerda's lessons are clear, they have a very nice structure There is a very good balance between new grammar rules, practice and speaking but the discussion part can get a bit messy as we are not necessarily asked to talk one by one but rather volunteer or just willingly express our opinions, which in a way is a nice thing that she is not forcing anyone to talk, but also we (or at least the majority, I think) are not as "brave" to do so as we still are lacking a lot of skills, but, as Gerda herself has mentioned, practice makes things perfect :)
  8. I really like Gerda's lectures, it is absolutely wonderful, that we can have someone like her, who grew up in Sweden. She is really nice, just like Maria and Gabrielė. I think I am most focused during her lectures, probably because if i'm not, i get lost. Sometimes she speaks a little fast, so I need a minute to rewind in my mind and understand and then to think of a question, so it's a little harder to participate, at least slower.
  9. It would make my learning even greater if Gerda spoke slightly slower in our target language. Some might be intimidated to not ask for it. I think this is something a teacher has to sense, as hard as it might seem. (On the other hand, it's great that she challenges us and tries to encourage us to talk)
  10. Gal tik galima būtų daaaaar lėčiau kalbėti švediškai, o prie natūralios švediškos kalbos pereiti pamažu.