Aspects of community nurse activities in caring for patients at home

Dear nurse,

Home care is one of the most important parts of the primary health care system and community nursing, provided by the community nurse. The purpose of the survey is to identify the aspects of the community nurse's activities in caring for patients at home. Your opinion is very important, so please answer the questionnaire questions sincerely.

This questionnaire is anonymous, confidentiality is guaranteed, and information about you will never be disseminated without your permission. The data obtained from the study will only be published in summary form during the final work. Please mark the appropriate answers with X, and where indicated to express your opinion - write it down.

Thank you for your answers! Thank you in advance!

1. Are you a community nurse providing home care services? (Please mark the appropriate option)

2. How many years have you been working as a community nurse with patients at home? (Please mark the appropriate option)

3. In your opinion, what diseases and conditions of patients most often require home care? (Please mark the 3 most suitable options)

4. Please indicate how many patients you visit on average per day at home?

  1. 8 - 12
  2. 7
  3. 10-12

Low care needs (including post-operative care at home) - ....... %

  1. 3
  2. -
  3. 10

Average care needs - ....... %

  1. 3
  2. 3
  3. 60

High care needs -....... %

  1. 4
  2. 4
  3. 30

6. In your opinion, what knowledge is necessary for a nurse when caring for patients at home (Please mark one option for each statement)

7. Do your patients expect the incoming nurses? (Please mark the appropriate option)

8. In your opinion, is the home environment safe for the nurse? (Please mark the appropriate option)

9. In your opinion, what nursing tools are necessary for patients receiving care at home? (Please mark one option for each statement)

10. In your opinion, what technologies are necessary for patients receiving care at home? (Please mark one option for each statement, “X”)

11. In your opinion, what are the most important needs of patients receiving nursing services at home? (Please mark one option for each statement)

12. What nursing services are most commonly provided to patients at home? (Please mark one option for each statement)

13. Do you collaborate with the relatives of the patients receiving care? (Please mark the appropriate option)

14. In your opinion, do the relatives of the patients easily engage in training? (Please mark the appropriate option)

15. In your opinion, what is necessary for the training of the patient's relatives? (Please mark one option for each statement)

16. In your opinion, what situations in caring for patients at home can pose challenges for community nurses? (Please mark one option for each statement)

17. In your opinion, what roles do community nurses play when caring for patients at home?

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