Llamas' Valley reader's survey

Anyị chọrọ ịmara ndị na-agụ akwụkwọ anyị nke ọma, ya mere, anyị kpebiri ịme nyocha ndị na-agụ akwụkwọ anyị mbụ. Anyị ga-enwe ekele ma ọ bụrụ na ị nwere ike iwepụta nkeji 5 n’ime ụbọchị gị iji jupụta na nyocha a dị mkpirikpi maka anyị. Nke a bụkwa ohere gị ịgwa anyị ihe ị na-amasị na ihe ị ga-achọ ịhụkarị na magazin ahụ.


Dịka ekele maka ịmecha nyocha ahụ, ndị na-agụ akwụkwọ 3 (nke a họpụtara n'usoro) ga-enweta onyinye 3 dị ịtụnanya. Onyinye ndị a na-adọrọ mmasị gụnyere: Fume Quarts Gemstone Necklace site na "BlueBirdLab", akwa linen mara mma site na "Artwork Milena", na uwe okpomọkụ dị mma site na "Happeak". Anyị ga-ahọrọ ndị mmeri 3 nwere ezigbo ohere na njedebe nke oge nyocha. Iji banye na ịkụ nzọ, biko hapụ aha gị na email gị mgbe ị na-emecha nyocha ahụ. 


Nnyocha anyị ga-adị n'ịntanetị maka ụbọchị 30. Anyị na-agba gị ume ka ị kesaa ya na ndị mmekọ gị na mgbasa ozi mmekọrịta. Ekwela egwu, azịza gị na ozi gị agaghị ekekọrịta na otu ọ bụla ọzọ ma a ga-ewere ya dị ka nzuzo!


Ọ bụrụ na ị nwere ajụjụ ọ bụla, biko kpọtụrụ anyị na [email protected].


Daalụ maka ịkekọrịta echiche gị na anyị! 


Llamas' Valley reader's survey
Nsonaazụ ajụjụ dị naanị maka onye kere ajụjụ

Do you read Llamas’ Valley magazine? ✪

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Do you read Llamas' Valley on:

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If you read Llamas' Valley on iPad, do you prefer...

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Do you enjoy the interactivity of the iPad edition?

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How frequently do you read Llamas' Valley magazine?

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Where did you first discover Llamas' Valley?

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On average, how long do you spend reading an issue of Llamas' Valley?

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What do you think is a reasonable prize to pay for a copy of Llamas' Valley?

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What do you think is a reasonable prize to pay for a one-year subscription to Llamas' Valley magazine?

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Typically, how many people read your copy of Llamas' Valley besides you?

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Are you a subscriber to Llamas' Valley newsletter?

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These are the sections that appear regularly in Llamas' Valley magazine. Please indicate how often you read of look at them.

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Isiokwu ọ bụla
Isiokwu kachasị
Otu isiokwu
Letter edito
Nkwupụta na ndị na-emepụta ihe
Akụkọ ụlọ
Nhazi na-enweghị njikọ (akụkụ na akụkọ nka)
Akụkọ nri na nri
Blog-talk (nkwupụta na onye na-ede blọgụ)
N’oge a (na-ekpuchi ndị na-amasị instagramers)

Do you think the articles in the magazine are too long / too short?

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How effective are the photos in the magazine?

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Are there any issues, topics, or themes thay you’d like to see in the upcoming issues of Llamas’ Valley?

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What do you think of Llamas’ Valley magazine’s design?

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In terms of the design, what stands out most and / or what could use some work?

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What do you think of Llamas’ Valley magazine’s cover design?

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In terms of the cover, what stands out most and / or what could use some work?

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What would you like to see on the cover of the next issue of Llamas’ Valley?

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In your opinion, what is the uniqueness of Llamas’ Valley magazine?

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Do you visit the Llamas’ Valley website (Llamasvalley.com)?

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If yes, how often do you visit the website?

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Do you access the Llamas’ Valley website through a mobile device?

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What kind of content would you like to see added to the Llamas’ Valley website?

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If you are a current subscriber to Llamas’ Valley magazine, how likely are you to renew your subscription when it comes due?

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If you are a former subscriber to Llamas’ Valley magazine, why did you not renew?

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Which country are you from?

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Kedu afọ gị?

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Ị bụ nwanyị ma ọ bụ nwoke?

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What is your education?

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What is you annual household income?

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What are your fields of interest?

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What other print and online magazines do you read?

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Do you have any comments or suggestions for the editor?

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