Comparing BEFORE and AFTER Devotional Sex
This survey aims to discover how Devotional Sex has changed what you do.
Before asking you what you now do within your DevS life the survey first asks about what you used to do before DevS.
One question is on the style of your sex. One extreme of style is shown in porn - this is the highly active style. The other extreme is tantra which is very slow and takes much, much longer.
There are some questions asking you which sexual activity you spend the most time on, the second most time, down to the fifth most time. If you don't do, say, 2 of the activities just answer for the three activities you do do, and leave fourth and fifth unanswered.
There are many questions asking about the males behaviour before and after starting Devotional Sex. So if the survey is filled in by a Princess she is likely to need to ask her Knight a few questions. Remember that one of the four commitments a man makes to be a Knight is to openly and honestly communicate with his Princess. So, to be true Knight, he should answer all his Princess's questions. (Perhaps she will be surprised by some of the answers.)
As always your answers are likely to be guesstimates. For this survey to be useful it doesn't matter if you really do something 5 times a week but answer 4 or 6. So please try to get it about right, but close is good enough.
And only one response per couple please, so if you have done this survey before please don't do it again.
I look forward to reading your response!