Анкета Нууц бүжигийн сальф

Ийм арга хэмжээний талаар хэдэн санал хүсэлт өгнө үү. Ийм арга хэмжээний сул талууд юу вэ? Танд юу таалагддаггүй вэ? Танд юу таалагддаг вэ?

  1. na
  2. there is a disconnection in the surroundings, which the dancers understand but do not hear, what we dancers hear. also, the possibility of conversation that happens at dance events on and around the dance floor, even if it's just a few words, is, in my opinion, essential for mutual communication, relaxation, and connection among dancers. i would definitely be interested in a silent dance event and would go to check it out, to try it, but i think mainly out of curiosity. however, i am not sure that the idea of experiencing music individually, which actually connects and unites us all, would attract me in the long run.
  3. the additional dimension when dancing outdoors is the audience, which co-creates the event with the dancers, giving it extra energy, purpose, and story. this all develops dance culture, motivation among spectators and dancers. this has been confirmed in the last 10 years in swing and tango. if the audience cannot hear the music, the mentioned scene cannot be created. similarly, headphones hinder communication between partners during the dance, between two songs, etc.
  4. it depends on the weather. good organization is very important.
  5. if there is no dance floor, then it can't be nearly as good outside as it is on the dance floor. such an event would only interest me once for a one-time experience and then not again. my ears hurt from in-ear headphones. i am indeed introverted, but i believe i can't really disturb too much with dancing.
  6. if i had simple ears (otherwise, how could i communicate with dance partners and other people), participating in such an event would really be something special. it would be worth trying once, but i wouldn't be interested in more.
  7. everything is "thinking out of the box." a shortcoming - usually even non-dancers follow the event (even if only randomly for a few minutes). from my perspective, as an observer, i would like to hear the music that is danced to. well, i also enjoy doing this as a dancer. often, i just sit and watch the dancers' reactions to the same moments in the music. everyone reacts differently. this is how i learn and grow.
  8. good idea. when will the first event be?
  9. interesting idea. for a good swing dance, good music and a good floor (for smooth sliding) are needed. i think it's good that everyone can decide how loud they will listen. however, i don't know what it would be like when you can't hear your dance partner.
  10. distraction: headphones in your ears! you can't hear the music!
  11. when i am in nature, i prefer to listen to natural sounds...
  12. in slovenia, especially in ljubljana, several outdoor dance events are currently taking place. since i regularly participate, i don't feel that these dance events disturb anyone; rather, they serve as an attraction, so passersby often stop to take a look and sometimes even dance a little to the rhythms. the problem is that these are social events, where the intention is also to socialize and talk, not just to listen to one's own music. another issue is that this is partner dancing, where communication between partners and among all couples on the dance floor is important, as there is often a crowd and you need to be aware of the happenings around you. these events are often also a promotion for the organizers. loud music that is enjoyable even for non-dancers attracts passersby who otherwise wouldn't stop if they didn't hear the music. it is true that the law requires silence after midnight, and at that time the music is turned down or stopped, but that doesn't bother me, as such evenings usually start around 9 pm and everyone can dance until midnight.
  13. i think it would be quite strange for an outside observer... but that's exactly why it would be interesting, maybe it would be nice to film the reactions :)
  14. i find the event to be an interesting idea and i would attend it out of curiosity, but i wouldn't want to have such events instead of classic ones with music that everyone, including passersby, can hear. even outdoors, i prefer music that fills the space where people are dancing.
  15. if two dance events with your favorite music were happening at the same time, one outdoors and the other indoors, for example, in a hall, which one would you prefer to attend? -i find it hard to comment on this because i haven't been to any comparable event.-
  16. yes, i wouldn't really like the event; i like that there is communication among other dancers/couples on the dance floor, that we are "connected" with each other. with the use of headphones, i would get the feeling that we are dancing separately (even though theoretically we would be listening to the same music). it's also nice if passersby/random visitors can hear what the dancers are hearing, and that the dance evening feels more like a party and not just dancing. especially since we swingers are mostly into retro, so such modern forms of dance don't appeal to us much (at least not to me definitely). i don't see any advantages in such a party.
  17. if the music is only in the headphones,
  18. a potential problem would be the appropriate dance floor.
  19. synchronizing music played through headphones so that all dancers hear the same? when someone wants to talk, they could remove the headphones from their ears? maybe it wouldn't be so interesting for passersby if they just wanted to enjoy the music for a few minutes.. very good and modern idea - i support it!
  20. i have already been to such a party and it was great, but it was part of a festival where many other things were happening, so the silent disco was just one of the stops. i enjoyed it at the time, but i think if i had spent the whole evening at such an event, it would have become a bit boring, as when you're not dancing, you're just talking, and then you're without headphones - it quickly becomes too quiet, in my opinion.