өмнө ойролцоогоор 13жил
Мэдэгдэнэ үү
Удиртель ОРАТОРИУМ, мэндчилгээ! Дараах асуултуудад та хариулж, ороториумын зөвлөгөөг таны хүсэлд нийцүүлэн зохион байгуулахад туслахыг урьж байна. Сайхан товчлуур дарж байгаарай!
Таны сүмд ороториумын төсөл ямар байр суурьтай вэ? Та үүнээс хэр satisfied вэ? Та ороториумын гадна ямар нэгэн үйл ажиллагаа зохион байгуулдаг уу?
we have had the oratory for 6 years, and we are quite satisfied with it, but as the leader, i would like to improve many things. when we prepare the oratory, we meet quite often, even several times a week. we also have meetings throughout the year when we prepare various workshops (advent, christmas, epiphany action, mother's day, ...).
there is a role in awakening youth ministry by introducing young people to animation and work in the parish. the organizers are increasingly satisfied with the project, as are the parents and participants, which is reflected in the number of attendees. we often meet before the implementation of the oratory, otherwise monthly or every two months. we also strive to organize oratory days.
in our two parishes (šentjur near celje, šentrupert above laško - in the ensemble), the oratory represents the central holiday activity. we are very satisfied with it. this year, we had three meetings before the oratory and a concluding meeting after the oratory.
the oratory holds a significant place in our parish. with a team of animators, we face various challenges and try to overcome them. we make progress year by year. besides the oratory, we do not organize anything else, but we do meet at youth events, where most of the animators are present.
the oratory plays an important role in our parish. personally, i believe that we do not dedicate enough time to preparing for the oratory, or we try to get everything ready in the shortest possible time just before the oratory, usually looking for missing group leaders a day or two before it starts when everything should already be prepared. there is a noticeable lack of seriousness among the animators. we meet regularly - or at least we should, usually we meet regularly until the winter oratory, then the meetings freeze for about a month and then there are "accelerated" preparations for the annual oratory. we have a lot of other activities - winter oratory, workshops, etc.
in smc celje, the oratory is a very important project, with which the spiritual leader, leaders, and animators are satisfied. we prepare for the oratory two months in advance. throughout the year, we organize animator meetings, film nights, spiritual evenings, debate clubs, oratory days, creative workshops, a 3-day winter oratory, travel lectures, connections with other smcs, regular meetings of mentors from smc celje, seaside enjoyment, holiday care, and outings for animators...
АНИМАТОРЫН БҮЛГИЙН УРЛАГИЙН СУРГАЛТ / Таны аниматорын бүлэг "амьсгалж" байна уу, ямар уур амьсгалтай вэ? (хариултыг тойрч бичнэ үү)
нэмж хэлэхэд
not all animators attend the meetings. those who come are enthusiastic and create a positive atmosphere. other animators, however, are becoming passive and only come to the oratory, but do not want to attend the meetings.
СОНИРХОЛТОЙ БОЛОН ХАРИУЦЛАГА: Та аниматоруудыг хэрхэн ажиллахад урамшуулж, бусдын төлөө аниматорын үүрэг хүлээх, өөрийгөө хөгжүүлэх хариуцлагыг хүлээхэд хэрхэн урамшуулдаг вэ? (хариултыг тойрч бичнэ үү)
нэмж хэлэхэд
after they once take action, they become too unaware of their responsibilities
i still don't have an answer to the asked question.
ОРАТОРИУМЫН УЛС ТӨРИЙН УДИРДЛАГА: Та шинэ аниматоруудыг хэрхэн олж авдаг вэ? Та тэднийг бүлэгт хэрхэн оруулдаг, тэдэнд юунд анхаарал хандуулдаг вэ?
нэмж хэлэхэд
at the beginning of the school year, we have a meeting where we invite everyone who would like to participate as animators, and we try to present our work and mission to them, after which they join the group. many come because they were invited by friends, the parish priest, and the catechist.
we offer the opportunity to collaborate with the team as an assistant animator.
certain animators take care of the confirmands, and one animator has taken on the responsibility of involving assistant animators in the projects.
АНИМАТОРУУДЫН БҮРЭН СУРГАЛТ - АНИМАТОРУУДЫН СУРГАЛТ: Таны аниматорууд аниматорын ажилд хэр сайн бэлтгэгдсэн вэ?
нэмж хэлэхэд
as a leader, i attended the guild training, while the other animators had not been to any training.
we regularly send animators to schools run by salesians. at regular meetings, the animators' assistants have a short training session led by one of the leaders. one month before the oratory, we invite ceh, which provides training for our animators.
АНИМАТОРУУДЫН БҮРЭН СУРГАЛТ - АНИМАТОРЫН ЖИШЭЭ: Таны аниматорууд аниматорын ажилд урам зоригийг хаанаас авдаг вэ?
нэмж хэлэхэд
they are still being formed, as they are mostly confirmands.
the vast majority, but there are also exceptions.
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэх
Энэ анкетаар хариулах