Бүтэн Ноиз 180208

ТЭРГЭНД байхгүй хэдэн локомотив

Эзэн, Хаан, Ард Дук, Их Дук, Хаан:

Бүтэн Ноиз


  1. raccoon, eagle, paddy, fly, domma
  2. come on fly, keep it interesting until the last noize!!!!!
  3. 1 coonie 2 eagle 3 paddy 4 fly 5 doma


  1. whistles
  2. never going to give you up, never going to let you down, never going to turn around and desert you...

Кит торгууль?

  1. whistler!
  2. whistler: in the kit for the first time and receives a kit penalty.

Веох Веох Веох!!

  1. the headwind definitely helped a lot of people hold on today!! gunner - pota before it even started. time to upgrade the bike. the current one has lost the ability to hold onto noise.
  2. magnificent morning out
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах