Бүтэн Шуугиан 180206


TKM дугуй унахын үсэг

Эзэн, Хаан, Ард, Их Хаан, Хаан:

Бүтэн Шуугиан


  1. dude, cool.
  2. didn't see it
  3. coin, fly, paddy


  1. loads including the king
  2. king, king, king!!!
  3. all the old guys except for the burgers.
  4. plenty
  5. carnage!

Китийн торгууль?

  1. stig

Вео Вео Вео!!

  1. absolute carnage in the rear carriages
  2. f.u.b.a.r!!
  3. a turning point in the annals of tkm
  4. only ranked those that i didn't catch above me. didn't see the roll. from what i could see on the runway, it looked feral.
  5. whippa will win the cup if he keeps improving like this!
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах