Залуу сурагчдын үгийн сангийн олж авах

Ирландын Трале Educate Together N. S. сургуулийн өмнөх Комениус хэлний туслах, одоо Чехийн Оломоуц дахь Палацкийн их сургуулийн оюутан, залуу сурагчдын үгийн сангийн олж авах талаар дипломын ажил бичиж байна. Би бусад сургуулиудад эсвэл англи хэлтэй бусад орнуудад хэлний дэмжлэг хэрхэн ажилладаг талаар илүү тодорхой зураг авахын тулд зарим нэмэлт мэдээлэл цуглуулахыг хүсч байна. Бүх хүний анхны туршлага, санал надад үнэтэй байх болно, энэ нь багш, дадлагажигч багш эсвэл эцэг эхийнх байж болно.
Залуу сурагчдын үгийн сангийн олж авах



Би англи хэлийг хоёрдогч/гадаад хэл болгон заахад анхны туршлага бий

Дараах мэдэгдлүүдэд хандах хандлагаа хамгийн сайн тодорхойлсон хариултыг сонгоно уу

Хэрэв та TEFL-тэй анхны туршлага бий бол, EFL сурагчдад шинэ үг заахад ямар аргуудыг ашигладаг/ашиглаж байсан бэ гэдгийг хариулна уу

Англи хэл заахад ашигтай эсвэл чухал гэж үздэг дараах талууд/шинж чанаруудыг тэмдэглэнэ үү

Долч эсвэл Торндайкийн жагсаалттай адил давтамжийн үгийн жагсаалтуудыг ашигладаг эсвэл мэддэг үү? Тэдний талаар юу таалагддаг/таалагддаггүй вэ? Та тэднийг хэрхэн ашигладаг вэ?

  1. i don't know.
  2. A
  3. no
  4. no
  5. say it.
  6. simple
  7. excellent goods from you, man. how to improve your english level? | | global understanding, teaching and learning i have understood your stuff and you're just too magnificent. i really like what you have acquired here, certainly like what you are stating and the way in which you say it. you make it entertaining and you still manage to keep it sensible. i can't wait to read much more from you. this is really tremendous information on how to improve your english level? | | global understanding, teaching and learning.
  8. there are other ways to improve our memory too. like eating the right nutrition (brain food). some of these are: vitamin c is an antioxidant and it prevents damage leading to different types of diseases. vitamin b can improve our thinking ability. vitamin e can help preserve brain function and protect nerve-cell degeneration. it is also one of the important antioxidants that our brain needs. carbohydrates are good for the brain because they contain glucose, which is known as brain fuel. it provides energy for us to concentrate, remember, learn, and engage in other activities. then there's protein. amino acids are obtained from protein. neurotransmitters need those amino acids to relay messages from one nerve cell to another. a high-protein meal can make us feel energized because it increases the tyrosine levels in our brain and blood. tyrosine and tryptophan are some of the different types of amino acids. and because tyrosine can make us feel more energized, our brain can concentrate better.

Танилцуулгын номыг ашигладаг эсвэл мэддэг үү? Тэдний талаар юу таалагддаг/таалагддаггүй вэ? Та тэднийг хэрхэн ашигладаг вэ?

Танилцуулгын номыг ашигладаг эсвэл мэддэг үү? Тэдний талаар юу таалагддаг/таалагддаггүй вэ? Та тэднийг хэрхэн ашигладаг вэ?
  1. i like them, but they are not the only complete source for teaching.
  2. i don't know.
  3. A
  4. yes, i use them according to the grade. they are reasonably good but not exhaustive.
  5. no
  6. in civil still
  7. so happy
  8. excellent goods from you, man. how to improve your english level? | global understanding, teaching and learning i have understood your stuff and you're just too magnificent. i really like what you have acquired here, certainly like what you are stating and the way in which you say it. you make it entertaining and you still manage to keep it sensible. i can't wait to read much more from you. this is really tremendous information on how to improve your english level. | global understanding, teaching and learning.
  9. there are other ways to improve our memory too. like eating the right nutrition (brain food). some of these are: vitamin c is an antioxidant and it prevents damage leading to different types of diseases. vitamin b can improve our thinking ability. vitamin e can help preserve brain function and protect nerve-cell degeneration. it is also one of the important antioxidants that our brain needs. carbohydrates are good for the brain because they contain glucose, which is known as brain fuel. it provides energy for us to concentrate, remember, learn, and engage in other activities. then there's your protein. amino acids are obtained from protein. neurotransmitters need those amino acids to relay messages from one nerve cell to another. a high-protein meal can make us feel energized because it increases the tyrosine levels in our brain and blood. tyrosine and tryptophan are some of the different types of amino acids. and because tyrosine can make us feel more energized, our brain can concentrate better.

Та англи хэл заадаг/таны хүүхэд англи хэл сурдаг орны нэрийг бүрэн бичнэ үү

Та англи хэл заадаг/таны хүүхэд англи хэл сурдаг орны нэрийг бүрэн бичнэ үү
  1. india
  2. india
  3. A
  4. india
  5. india
  6. india
  7. murthaza iqbal
  8. india
  9. india
  10. xopsycsbkmot


Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах