Зочид буудлын үйлчилгээний өрсөлдөх чадварын шинжилгээ.

Сүүлийн асуулгаас авч үзвэл, зочид буудлуудын үйлчилгээний хувьд ихэвчлэн хамгийн том ялгаа юу байдаг вэ?

  1. what they provide in the room, such as storage for clothes, an iron, a kettle.
  2. dining area
  3. facilities provided and convenience.
  4. the level of customer service tends to greatly vary.
  5. food service. some hotels have high prices or restrictions on who and how customers are allowed to enjoy the hotel's food service.
  6. just employees' personalities
  7. the quality of staff service and the comfort of rooms.
  8. none
  9. -
  10. -
  11. not really sure, i don't pay attention.
  12. amount of services provided followed by their quality