Зочид, Энэхүү судалгааны зорилго нь Балтийн орнуудад гурван одтой зочид буудал сонгохдоо хэрэглэгчийн үнэт зүйлсийг ойлгох явдал юм. Таны илэрхийлсэн санал бодол зочид буудлын операторууд болон эзэдэд ирээдүйд үйлчилгээнийхээ чанарыг сайжруулахад туслах болно. Энэ асуулгын хариу нь нууцлагдсан. Үр дүнг авахын тулд дараах хаягаар бичнэ үү: [email protected]. Баярлалаа! ________________________ Хүндэт зочид, Энэхүү судалгааны зорилго нь Балтийн орнуудад гурван одтой зочид буудал сонгохдоо хэрэглэгчдийн үнэт зүйлсийг ойлгох явдал юм. Таны илэрхийлсэн санал бодол зочид буудлын операторууд болон зочид буудлын эзэдэд үйлчилгээнийхээ чанарыг сайжруулахад туслах болно. Энэ асуулгын хариу нь нууцлагдсан. Үр дүнг авахын тулд дараах хаягаар бичнэ үү: [email protected]. Баярлалаа!

Та ямар хотод байрлаж байсан бэ?
Анкетын үр дүн зөвхөн анкетын зохиогчид зориулсан

In which city were You staying? / In which city did you stay? / In which city did you stay?

Please evaluate the sentences, where: 1 - strongly disagree, 4 - neither agree nor disagree, 7 - strongly agree.

1.1 The physical environment at hotel was comfortable / The physical environment at the hotel was comfortable / The physical environment at the hotel was comfortable
1.2 The atmosphere at the hotel was pleasant / The atmosphere at the hotel was pleasant / The atmosphere at the hotel was pleasant
1.3 It seems tidy and well organised / The hotel seems tidy and well organized / The hotel appeared tidy and well organized
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56+ Таны сарын орлого (Евроор) / Таны сарын орлого (Евроор) / Jūsų mėnesio pajamos (Eurais)
1.5 It is easy to find and accessible / It is easy to find and accessible / It is easy to find and reach
2.1 The personnel know their job well / The staff know their job well / The staff are well acquainted with their work
2.2 The personnel’s knowledge is up to date / The staff's knowledge consists of current information / The staff's knowledge is up to date
500 хүртэл 500 - 1000 1000 - 2000 2000 +
2.4 The personnel have knowledge of all the services offered / The personnel know about all the possible services / The staff are knowledgeable about the services offered
2.5 The personnel treated me with respect / The personnel treated me with respect / The staff treated me with respect
3.1 The service as a whole is correct / The services in general are correct / Overall, the service is correct
3.2 The quality has been maintained all of the time / The quality has been maintained all the time / The quality has always been maintained
3.3 The level of quality is acceptable in comparison with other three star hotels / The level of quality is acceptable compared to other three-star hotels / The quality level is acceptable compared to other three-star hotels
3.4 The results of the service received were as expected / The results of the service received were as expected / The results of the service were as expected
4.1 The payment of service is fully justified / The payment for services is fully justified / The service charge is fully justified
4.2 The service is good for the expense it causes me / The service is good for the expense it cost me / The service is good in relation to how much it cost me
4.3 The total cost that it causes me is reasonable / The total cost of expenses is reasonable / The total amount of expenses is reasonable
5.1 I am happy with the hotel services provided / I am satisfied with the hotel services / I am happy with the provided hotel services
5.2 The personnel give me positive feelings / The staff gives me positive feelings / The staff gives me positive feelings
5.3 The personnel don’t hassle me / The staff does not hassle me / The staff did not annoy me
5.4 In general I feel at ease / Overall, I feel at ease / Generally, I feel relaxed
6.1 I will strongly recommend the hotel to my family and friends if they will need hotel services / I will strongly recommend the hotel to my family and friends if they need hotel services / I will definitely recommend this hotel to my family and friends if they need hotel services
6.2 I will say positive things about the hotel to my family and friends / I will tell positive things about the hotel to my family and friends / I will share positive things about the hotel with my family and friends
6.3 I will consider the hotel my first choice if I need to choose again / I will consider the hotel my first choice if I need to choose again / I will consider this hotel as my first choice if I have to choose again

Your gender / Ваш пол / Jūsų lytis

Your age / Your age / Your age

Your monthly income (in Euros) / Ваш ежемесячный доход (в Eвро) / Jūsų mėnesio pajamos (Eurais)