Зөвлөлтийн үеийн тодорхой бодит зүйлсийн холбоосууд

Энэ судалгаа нь Зөвлөлтийн үеийн тодорхой бодит зүйлсийн талаархи чөлөөт холбоосуудын тухай юм. Та нэг үг эсвэл нөгөө үгтэй холбоотойгоор санаанд орж буй ойлголтуудыг бичнэ үү.

Дараах ойлголтуудтай холбоотойгоор та ямар холбоосуудыг бичихийг хүсч байна: (1) Соёлын төв

  1. house of culture, community center, village community house, house for exhibitions, concerts, etc.
  2. a house where different cultures can meet
  3. goethe, reading, culture
  4. leftist people
  5. opera, music, literature, doctrine
  6. none-
  7. concerts, readings
  8. cultural programs, concerts, theater,
  9. concerts, readings, theater
  10. -

(2) Колхоз

  1. collective farm, socialist realism, hero of labor, unpleasant working conditions
  2. finnish dish
  3. collective farm
  4. soviets
  5. agriculture, community
  6. agricultural compulsory association
  7. work, agriculture, group association
  8. women with headscarves, tractors, farmer, hay, cows
  9. lpg
  10. agriculture, history book, russia

(3) Комсомолын барилга

  1. disco in moscow (punk cover version by die toten hosen)
  2. ancient play
  3. yellow helmet
  4. russian
  5. political doctrine
  6. unknown
  7. ???
  8. mud, big men, tractors
  9. ?
  10. -

(4) Фуфайка

  1. 5 o'clock (fuff = hessian for 5, aika = finnish for "time")
  2. advertising campaign for youth project
  3. balaton
  4. balalaika
  5. ?
  6. 请提供需要翻译的内容。
  7. ???
  8. ludicrous word (i forgot the meaning)
  9. ?
  10. -

(5) Кулак

  1. coolie? archipelago gulag? labor camp in siberia?
  2. swedish court
  3. -
  4. gulag
  5. if it is like gulag, then prison, camp, re-education camp
  6. if it should be called gulag, forced labor camp/punishment camp/stalin.
  7. means "ear" in turkish
  8. strong men with beards
  9. labor camp
  10. -

(6) Нийтийн саун

  1. cool! sauna rules!
  2. public sauna that requires an entrance fee.
  3. nakedness, shame, sweat
  4. finland
  5. cultural asset
  6. relaxation
  7. sweating men, steam
  8. fkk, naked men and women, nature
  9. ?
  10. east/west differences, children go to the sauna (response from many former west germans: "isn't that harmful to children's health?")

(7) Гудамжны хүү

  1. the street boys = german pseudo-punk band, boys without a proper home but with worn-out pants, begging, hanging around, and sniffling.
  2. boy who lives on the street
  3. charlie chaplin's "the kid", trash, crime.
  4. river of january
  5. romanticized in books, on their own, begging/stealing, parents largely absent
  6. -
  7. sniffing glue
  8. hungry, with sad eyes
  9. ?
  10. orphaned children, poor countries

(8) Техникум

  1. pedant to the mathematics museum in gießen. or a technical final examination. perhaps also a word for technology/invention.
  2. museum of technology
  3. munich, germany, industrial revolution
  4. unappetizing
  5. school/university with a technical focus
  6. training facility
  7. university, engineers
  8. an institution at a lower level
  9. ?
  10. -

Та наснаасаа мэдээлнэ үү:

  1. 40
  2. 27
  3. 37
  4. 35
  5. 30
  6. grew up in the west, so there are no associations with certain words.
  7. 52
  8. 24
  9. 33
  10. 20
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах