өмнө ойролцоогоор 10жил
Мэдэгдэнэ үү
Ийш райкум (2)؟
Лабын Аштгөл орон, маа нзлд гдг, гдгн жрж бшгд, нбгд Арайкум я рхйбн!
Үр дүнг олон нийтэд нээлттэй
Миний анхны сэтгэгдэл энэ картын (крут) дизайны талаар юу вэ?
Тэр үнэхээр гайхалтай харагдаж байна
Тэр хэцүү харагдаж байна
Тэр амархан харагдаж байна
Тэр сонирхолтой харагдаж байна
Тэр сайхан харагдаж байна
Тэр муухай харагдаж байна
Тэр хямд харагдаж байна
Тэр хүүхдүүдэд зориулсан харагдаж байна
Тэр томчуудынх харагдаж байна
Тэр тэнэг харагдаж байна
It doesn't look very clear whether they are cards, rooms, or something else, so i need to know more about them before i buy them.
Her new look has become so simple that if you saw her, you might say she belongs to the children's section.
I feel it’s too abstract. the playing cards, for example, do have numbers, but they also have very interesting characters besides the queen and the old man; you have the joker!
I congratulate you on the beautiful design, it's more beautiful than before, honestly and frankly. simplicity is the new sexy! :p
For me, the shape i showed you earlier was much better than this one; i prefer that shape because it is darker.
It seems to require a lot of logical thinking, which can be a good thing for some people and the opposite for others.
The previous shape is 102,366,412 times more beautiful.
It is suggested to reconsider the colors.
Best design, even better than the new one.
The design is simple and uninteresting.
It looks elegant and stylish.
It looks very strange!
Та энэ дизайны үндсэн дээр тоглоомыг худалдаж авах уу?
Та энэ тоглоомын талаар хэнд ч хэлэх үү?