Интернет хуудас болон тэдгээрийн хамгийн чухал шинж чанарууд.
Та ихэвчлэн ямар зүйлс худалдаж авдаг вэ?
cosmetics, toiletries, clothes, etc.
daily use
electronic goods, books, cosmetic clothes
clothing and home appliances
dresses and groceries
household items
clothes and books
clothes, books
clothes, home essentials, books
why do you say that you don't express yourself well? you express yourself well... however, i believe that the suggestions are being ignored! it's right to encourage everyone to share their opinions and start speaking; perhaps something will come out of it! it will definitely be better than the present, anyway.
i'm not easily impressed... but that's impressing me! :)