Интернэтийн нөлөөллийн талаархи судалгааны олдворууд

Та интернэт ирээдүйд (жишээ нь 100 жилийн дараа) хэрхэн өөрчлөгдөх гэж бодож байна вэ? Жишээ нь: ашиглалт, чадвар

  1. f u
  2. yes, there is a probability.
  3. may be
  4. i'm sure that after 100 years, we will have faster internet and usability will be greater than it is now.
  5. it has a great future and will become a necessity.
  6. definitely will change. all the internet service provider companies are trying their best to provide the highest speed connection possible at a cheaper rate. and scientists around the world from different organizations are trying to send more satellites so that the service provided may be of top class.
  7. everything is beneficial when people don't change much. people have stopped going outside much. no chit-chats in the nearby cafeteria, no hanging out with friends, all of these are disadvantages.
  8. yes, more internet users as days pass by
  9. use will increase, rates will come down.
  10. there may be a change in speed like 3g, 4g, 5g, and so on.
  11. people become more fond and addicted to it, and it will also become a basic necessity.
  12. it will increase the speed. also, the charges.
  13. more artificial intelligence will be applied, and it will be more convenient and useful. we may even be able to learn about the climate and events on other planets on our own.
  14. i think it will be cheap.
  15. it will become cheaper and everyone will be able to afford it.
  16. it will have its influence in one's life more than what it is today. it brings knowledge.
  17. 499
  18. people will become completely dependent on the internet. no work will be possible without the internet.
  19. evolve more
  20. nice
  21. it's all in our hands.
  22. also known about my thing.
  23. yes, definitely.
  24. everything will be through the internet
  25. these days, interest has become a basic need.
  26. make humans more aware of everything
  27. it makes people aware of everything; if we want to know about something or gather information, the internet is the best medium to find that.
  28. y
  29. i think in 100 years there will be something far greater than the internet, and whatever it is, it will look nothing like it does today.
  30. um, it's hard to say. i think you will be able to do a lot more things with social media websites, like buying things through them.
  31. more and more information will be available to users of the internet,
  32. it will be on more devices and faster.
  33. yes, the internet keeps getting better each year.
  34. i have no idea and won't be here to worry about it.