Таны бодлоор, ямар шинж чанар/онцлогтой байх ёстой компани, түүнийг нэр хүндтэй гэж тодорхойлох вэ? Наад зах нь гурван шинж чанарыг нэрлэнэ үү!

  1. i don't know.
  2. ?
  3. a large number of employees operates in foreign markets despite the crisis, has no major problems
  4. fggfgf
  5. banana
  6. shrshbzrrs
  7. chickens
  8. df
  9. nanan
  10. please list at least three.
  11. customers are placed first care for the environment and society good treatment of employees
  12. to have good services and products research and development environmental responsibility
  13. environmental responsibility good quality products good relationship with the worker
  14. good business good treatment of employees care for the environment
  15. care for employees successful business quality products
  16. success responsibility tradition
  17. design care for workers development reliability
  18. reliability follows modern scientific achievements friendly to the environment and people
  19. quality products, design, innovation
  20. collaborates with the local community manages relationships with internal stakeholders excellently collaborates with non-profit organizations
  21. recognizable brand product/service quality satisfied employees
  22. regular solid salary development vision care for employees - team building, own kindergarten...
  23. tradition, quality, recognition, environmental awareness
  24. 1. product / service level 2. principles of the company 3. market success
  25. transparency ethics honesty