Литва дахь авлига (англи хэл)

Энэхүү нийтлэл нь Балтын улсуудад авлигатай тэмцэх тухай юм. |Хариултууд нь Финлянд улсад нийтлэгдэх нийтлэлд сэтгүүлчийн зорилгоор ашиглагдана. Хариулж буй хүн нэрээ илчлэх шаардлагагүй.

0) Таны нас, хүйс болон 'байдал' (студент эсвэл мэргэжил..)

  1. 35, female, profession
  2. kevon
  3. 22, female, student
  4. student
  5. 18, female, student
  6. 21, female, student
  7. student
  8. 22, female, client manager
  9. 32 años, hombre, periodista
  10. 18-year-old male student

1) Литвийн нийгэмд авлига байна уу?

  1. no
  2. a) none b) some c) much d) very much corruption.
  3. dashawn
  4. c) much
  5. b) algunos
  6. c) much
  7. d) very much corruption.
  8. d) very much corruption.
  9. c) much
  10. c) much

2) Авлига байвал аль салбар/мэргэжлүүдэд олддог вэ?

  1. political
  2. lucas
  3. everywhere
  4. every
  5. politics
  6. government, social structures, etc.
  7. in politics, medical staff, school authorities
  8. everywhere
  9. in politics, government, universities, everywhere
  10. police, doctors, media, teachers

3) Авлига нь юуны тухай - мөнгө өгөх, материаллаг зүйлс өгөх эсвэл өөр зүйлс вэ?

  1. giving money
  2. quinton
  3. giving anything and expecting to get something in return because of gifts.
  4. both money and material goods. favors as well.
  5. everything that was mentioned
  6. everything
  7. mostly giving money
  8. donating money and also material goods
  9. tout sur l'argent
  10. both

Та өөрийнхөө туршлагаас авлигын жишээ(s) хэлж өгч чадах уу?

  1. getting passport
  2. ronnie
  3. with doctors in hospitals
  4. i haven't, i've just read about that.
  5. no
  6. i have never experienced the act of corruption; however, i know from my friends' experiences that they...
  7. there are too many examples.
  8. i have given many bribes to the police, my boss is constantly asking me to write for this or that company.
  9. bribe to doctor

5) Нийгэмд авлигад нөлөөлдөг зүйлс юу вэ?

  1. government
  2. damon
  3. people and their "traditions"
  4. low wages
  5. tolerance of corruption
  6. doctors, and criminals
  7. ignorance
  8. business
  9. money
  10. low salaries and insufficient penalties

6) Нийгэмд авлигатай тэмцэхийн тулд юу хийх ёстой вэ?

  1. open complaint box
  2. jorge
  3. prevention against corruption
  4. increase wages
  5. -
  6. thinking should change
  7. impose very high penalties on those who engage in corruption
  8. do not do business or live without money.
  9. we need to gather enough information about what is happening.
  10. increase salaries

Кто или какие учреждения это должны/могут сделать?

  1. government & police
  2. caden
  3. all together
  4. i have no idea...
  5. -
  6. should start with the government
  7. logically, the government is not less corrupt, so i don't know.
  8. government and of course all people, and journalists
  9. do not know
  10. i can

7) Одоо авлига жил өмнөхөөс илүү байна уу (Европын холбооны өмнө)?

  1. no
  2. a) menos b) tanto c) más d) mucho más
  3. wallace
  4. a) menos b) tanto c) más d) mucho más
  5. a) menos
  6. b) autant
  7. c) more
  8. b) autant
  9. i think the situation hasn't changed.
  10. a) menos b) tanto c) más d) mucho más

8) Литва Европын холбооны гишүүн болсон цагаас хойш та авлига мэдэрсэн үү?

  1. no
  2. three
  3. yes
  4. no
  5. -
  6. i personally haven't.
  7. yes
  8. sometimes i have
  9. plenty
  10. of course

Ямар төрлийн нөхцөл байдал?

  1. jovan
  2. in hospitals
  3. -
  4. -
  5. a lot of
  6. university, hospitals
  7. police, doctor
  8. i had to make love with the medical sister.
  9. seen on tv

9) Авлига аялал жуулчлалын салбарт хэрхэн илэрч байна вэ?

  1. no
  2. jaylin
  3. i don't know.
  4. -
  5. hm
  6. i don't see corruption in tourism.
  7. do not know
  8. people have to sleep with guides.
  9. i don't know.

10) Та хээл хахуульд ороод ямар газарт гомдол гаргах вэ?

  1. ariel
  2. police and special organizations "stt" in lithuania
  3. -
  4. i don't know.
  5. in business
  6. not much to do; if there is no bribery, then we won't get what we want.
  7. maybe transparency international, but they don't seem to work hard in lithuania.
  8. hell
  9. maybe to the taxman...i don't know

Авлигын шийтгэлүүд хангалттай үр дүнтэй юу?

  1. kellen
  2. no
  3. no
  4. way not efficient enough
  5. i don't think so.
  6. i don't know.
  7. i don't think it's enough.
  8. no
  9. of course not.
  10. no
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах