Логогийн дизайны зах зээлийн судалгааны санал асуулга.

Та яагаад энэ амьтныг сонгосон бэ?

  1. no
  2. dolphins are a protective animal.
  3. because it would be a wise choice (owls = wisdom) to have health coverage.
  4. the wisdom to see all aspects of health-related issues and how to heal them.
  5. owls represent wisdom (which for me, ties into protection).
  6. as opposed to the other options, they are supposed to be smart.
  7. eagles seemed like a good fit. they soar high. they nurture their younger ones. they've got leadership traits.
  8. dolphins have been used to save lives during the cold war, and i think about their life-saving capabilities.
  9. well, eagles are the symbol of protection and represent america. health is key to pinpointing the reason why a patient is sick; x-rays and eagle vision, to me, are a good representation.
  10. owls are considered to be wise.
  11. dolphins are friendly animals and also very cute, so i would be curious to click on it.
  12. turtles live a very long time and have a protective shell.
  13. the eagle represents strength and stability to me.
  14. an eagle to me represents strength. i believe it is the most trustworthy and dependable animal. with the health of the ocean in disarray, i don't feel like a sea creature conveys trust, health, dependability (e.g., dolphins are fun and clever etc).
  15. the dolphin is playful.
  16. i don’t see any of these animals representing health-related protection.