Малгожата Юрчик

Бүх багийн гишүүдийн гүйцэтгэлийг үнэлэхийн тулд бид таны санал бодол, тус бүрийн багийн гишүүдтэй ажиллах туршлагаа асуух шаардлагатай. Багийн гишүүний талаар ерөнхий санал бодлоо өгнө үү. Бүх санал бодол нууц бөгөөд хариулт нь "Багийн гишүүнтэй нисээгүй бол 'Нислэггүй' гэж бичнэ үү. Хугацаа: 8-р сарын 6

  1. don't know
  2. they were found to be well-dressed, organized, and disciplined.
  3. no flight
  4. no flight
  5. a very positive person. they know their job well and create a very pleasant atmosphere. i wish there were more people like that.
  6. the teamwork of all crew members is better than the work of individuals.
  7. professional, good crm towards crew, good relations with passengers.
  8. working with gosia is a pleasure. she is very hardworking, nice, and has great knowledge. always with a big smile on her face, she provides a friendly atmosphere.
  9. no flight
  10. n/a
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах