Нэгдэлд элсэх

Шинэчлэлт: Хэрвээ банкны данс руу шилжүүлэх нь саад болж байгаа бол, та сайн дурынхны гэрт очиж болно, эсвэл Ал-Турт чек хадгалж болно. Бидэнтэй холбогдоно уу

[email protected]

Нэгдэлд элсэх

Та тофу кооперативт сонирхож байсан уу, эсвэл өмнө нь сонирхож байсан ч одоогоор элсээгүй байна уу? Яагаад гэдгээ бидэнд хэлээрэй

Бусад шалтгаан уу? Тааламжтай цуглуулах цэгийн байршил? Бидэнд хэлээрэй

  1. only esau informed me about the cooperative; i still don't know what it's about.
  2. i'm not sure how to join, and there's also no procedure for ordering and receiving the products.
  3. first time
  4. herzliya
  5. if there was a pickup point in rehovot, i would happily join :)
  6. i haven't had the chance to be interested in the past.
  7. this is the first time i am interested.
  8. i'm a bit worried that the transfer of the tofu between refrigerators will cause the product to spoil, as it is a very sensitive product.
  9. i didn't know about this until today. i just happened to see it in a post by mamateva on facebook.
  10. because i don't know what the ingredients are and how the food is prepared.
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах