Судасвдудын өвчин ба тэдгээрийн алдартай байдал

Энэ судалгаа нь нууцлагдсан. Үнэн зөв хариултуудыг өгнө үү.



Та чөлөөт цагтаа ямар үйл ажиллагаа эрхэлдэг вэ? Хэдэн удаа?

  1. swimming, 2 times a week
  2. none
  3. i exercise twice a week for 1 hour and play a bit of floorball.
  4. i play volleyball, walk a lot, and usually move from point to point on foot.
  5. walking, swimming
  6. sports, 2-3 times a week
  7. i exercise two times a week.
  8. velotraining, every day, aerobics, twice a week
  9. i exercise, ski, and walk 1-3 times a week.
  10. let it be unregulated 24/7

Өөртөө тохирох хоолны жагсаалтыг тэмдэглэнэ үү.


  1. the menu should include grains, vegetables, meat rarely, and a little fish.
  2. potatoes (rice, buckwheat) - anything, meat, salad with sour cream, dessert, water.
  3. leafy salad, meat, potatoes, water
  4. potatoes, meat, salad, juice
  5. potato, end, egg, sweet
  6. the menu is different every time, i really eat what i see. not tasty, let me check!
  7. pasta/rice/potatoes + meat/sausages + some salad + ketchup/mayonnaise/sour cream
  8. as every time, i prefer healthy food.
  9. a balanced diet that includes both cereals and meat products, fruits, and vegetables.
  10. visa type green fodder and fish, green tea

Таны хорт зуршлууд юу вэ?

Та ямар судасны өвчнүүдийг мэдэх вэ?

  1. surrender
  2. infarcts, insults
  3. cholesterol
  4. insults, heart attacks
  5. narrowing of blood vessels, stroke
  6. asthenia calcification. varicose veins. thrombosis formation.
  7. leukemia, blood cancer, stroke, infarction, anemia
  8. asthma crab
  9. atherosclerosis
  10. various

Таны гэр бүлд удамшлын судасны өвчин ажиглагддаг уу?

  1. remarkable
  2. no
  3. no
  4. no
  5. maybe
  6. there are no known cases of illness.
  7. ā
  8. asinsvadu calcification
  9. ne
  10. no

Эдгээр атеросклерозыг дэмжих хүчин зүйлсийн аль нь танд байна вэ?

Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах