Сургалтын оролцогчид - Баг 60

11. Би сургалтад илүү сайн хийх боломжтой гэж бодож байна, хэрэв…

  1. don't know
  2. i would watch more danish tv.
  3. my classmates were more disciplined after the lunch break and tried to speak more danish during the classes and breaks.
  4. i think our group is really close and friendly, so i believe the best way to improve in the course is to help one another.
  5. i put in more effort.
  6. if i had more free time to learn more, to review what we have already learned, to learn new words. i would like to learn much, much more than i can...
  7. i would do more at home.
  8. gave more time to learn and remember all new words and grammar rules while i am still at work.
  9. i would focus more.
  10. i had more time to learn at home.
  11. if i spend more time learning danish after classes.
  12. i would manage time even better.