Сүүлийн жилийн төсөл: Найруулга

Миний FYP-д хүмүүсийн бодлыг харахыг хүсч байгаа хэдэн асуулт байна.

Энэ зургийн аль хэсэгт анхаарал татаж байна вэ? Яагаад?

Энэ зургийн аль хэсэгт анхаарал татаж байна вэ? Яагаад?
  1. fox
  2. don't know
  3. the first person. it's because of different colors and the first guy.
  4. middle one, different color
  5. figures of rats
  6. faces.animals dressed as humans
  7. animals in suits. because it's beyond the usual.
  8. the fox has a strong bold color and is the center of focus.
  9. mr. fox. mainly because his colors are a complementary contrast. also, he's the middle line of symmetry.
  10. the face of the fox, it's perfectly centered.

Энэ зургийн аль хэсэгт анхаарал татаж байна вэ? Яагаад?

Энэ зургийн аль хэсэгт анхаарал татаж байна вэ? Яагаад?
  1. woman, because she contrasts with the background and is illuminated.
  2. don't know
  3. to the way the rooms and pavement are depicted since it is more attractive
  4. lady...it looks like she is trying to peek at someone with fear.
  5. lonely passage with an injured girl
  6. corridor ceiling effect
  7. the woman in purple. because she is separated from the other colors in the image.
  8. the girl in the rooms seems to have all the same colors; the only bit that's different and makes me think is the girl in purple.
  9. the end of the hallway because the character's focus is that way and it's also strangely off-center.
  10. the girl on the left. however, after a few seconds, my attention was drawn to the center of the image because of the perfect symmetry.

Энэ зургийн аль хүн анхаарал татаж байна вэ? Яагаад?

Энэ зургийн аль хүн анхаарал татаж байна вэ? Яагаад?
  1. jesus, because he is the central figure of the last supper.
  2. don't know
  3. jesus christ
  4. jesus
  5. jesus christ who is sitting in the center
  6. lord jesus as he is lord.
  7. jesus christ. the way the people in this image look at him in a parallel manner, creating a focal point in the middle where he is sitting.
  8. central figure as he stands alone, and there is also a strong bright light that enhances his silhouette.
  9. jesus. it's such a famous image that can be analyzed in so many ways, but you also look towards him first because he is uniquely alone and the central focus.
  10. jesus. the use of brighter colors and symmetry in the background drew me to him first.

Энэ орчныг нэг үгээр тодорхойлвол, ямар үг байх вэ?

Энэ орчныг нэг үгээр тодорхойлвол, ямар үг байх вэ?
  1. pier
  2. calm
  3. calm and composed
  4. final destination
  5. pleasant and cool
  6. tranquil
  7. cozy
  8. vast
  9. blissful
  10. beach

Энэхүү зургийн аль хэсэгт таны нүд анхаарлаа хандуулж байна вэ?

Энэхүү зургийн аль хэсэгт таны нүд анхаарлаа хандуулж байна вэ?
  1. old man
  2. the windows
  3. the whole image is simply attractive, and the light and sunshine are the first things my eyes are drawn to.
  4. window
  5. spiral staircase and wooden inn
  6. yellow light
  7. the man in the chair because of the bright light from the window.
  8. the window
  9. the sources of light, the window and fire. but also the dark blacks - the richness of the color up the stairs and on the left of the image.
  10. the bright window

Энэ барилгыг сайхан/сэтгэл хөдөлгөм гэж үзэх үү?

Энэ барилгыг сайхан/сэтгэл хөдөлгөм гэж үзэх үү?
  1. i believe so, however i would change the colors, too much pink.
  2. impressive
  3. both and more impressive too
  4. impressive
  5. yes, it looks impressive.
  6. yes
  7. not really. it's not the color, it's just that it looks like a regular hotel.
  8. not really, i don't like the color, and the silhouette is quite simple.
  9. yes. it's perfectly chosen in color and shade and has a lovely grand symmetry.
  10. it is extremely intricate and looks like a small-scale version of something big!

Эцэст нь, Эйфелийн цамхаг, Таж Махал, Цагаан ордон нь сайхан/сэтгэл хөдөлгөм барилгууд гэж үзэх үү?

  1. only the taj mahal, as it is made of white marble and has a profound story of being built for a king's wife. the others are not visually impressive.
  2. beautiful
  3. eiffel tower
  4. beautiful
  5. definitely. they are masterpieces.
  6. definitely
  7. yes. those buildings are extraordinary, with very unique structures, etc.
  8. yes, overall i think they are very beautiful and impressive because of their grand features and large scale, as well as their interesting shapes and forms, mainly like the taj mahal, for example.
  9. impressive, yes - mostly because they are seen as important landmarks for culture and civilization. beautiful? there are nicer buildings.
  10. yeah, each has different reasons for being superior to other buildings, but these three in particular showcase the economic climate of each country at the time; they also express forms of emotion based on their locations. eiffel tower - love white house - power taj mahal - happiness
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах