Таны Биеийн Зураг

Сайн уу, би биеийн зурагтай холбоотой төсөл дээр зарим үр дүнг авахыг хүсч байна. Та энэ судалгааг авах боломжтой бол уу.

Та хэн бэ?

Та хэдэн настай вэ?

Та өөртөө болон хэрхэн харагддагтаа сэтгэл хангалуун байна уу?

Та өөрийгөө итгэлтэй хүн гэж хэлэх үү?

Та хэзээ нэгэн цагт хэрхэн харагддагтайгаа холбоотой асуудалтай байсан уу?

Түүхэн биеийн дүрснээс аль нэгийг сонгох бол та ямар дүрсийг сонгох вэ?

Одоо үед хүмүүс хэрхэн харагддагт ихээхэн объектчилж байна гэж та хэлэх үү?

Одоо үед нийгмийн гоо сайхны дүрслэлийг нэг зүйлээр өөрчлөх боломжтой бол, та юу өөрчлөх вэ?

  1. i don’t know
  2. the false projection of beauty and the women we admire, for example, most celebrities and influencers have had work done to their face and body, giving 'normal' people that unrealistic and unachievable goal.
  3. the fact that people's posts on social media have nothing to do with reality
  4. i would not change anything.
  5. i would eliminate the perfect body standard. everyone should look unique and should not be ashamed of how they look by others.
  6. i want people to know that it's not important how you look; what's important is what you make of yourself. i think everyone should feel good about themselves, but it's also important to be healthy. you don't have to be skinny to be healthy; that's an important point! maybe everyone has to find the right way. everyone is different, and it's so important that we all look different. i think more people should think like that.
  7. literally everything. people are terrible, and women (and men) feel like they need to look a certain way because of how society portrays everything.
  8. everyone is beautiful, and people need to hear that more.
  9. my stomach
  10. face
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах