Таны Норвегид цагаачлалын талаархи үзэл бодол

“Норвегид цагаачлал” гэж бодохдоо та ямар мэдрэмжтэй байдаг вэ?

  1. i am a terrorist, mohammad. i must kill all people who do not believe in mohammad.
  2. i don't care much, as long as they don't ruin it!
  3. don't like it
  4. feels that it is both negative and positive.
  5. absolutely fine. we need more workforce.
  6. there can be both positive and negative aspects of immigration. i have nothing against it, but those who do not work and take advantage of welfare. throw them out!!
  7. thinks immigration is a load of crap.
  8. welcome to norway!!! don't mess it up.
  9. i feel there is too much immigration. it's fine with a little, but not too much. and if you are against immigration, you are a racist. i walk around saying that immigration is okay, but i feel the opposite because i don't want to be seen as a racist.
  10. i believe that immigrants who come to norway and work, pay taxes, etc., should be allowed to come to norway.
  11. completely crazy.
  12. considering the crime that comes with it.
  13. it is both positive and negative. multiculturalism is good, but immigrants must respect the way of life that is here and adapt to it.
  14. i think some of the immigrants should not have been allowed to stay in norway, but others i feel are warmly welcome if they embrace everything that is norwegian and set aside a bit of their own religion and culture.
  15. i try to not have any opinions before i meet them, but it doesn't always go according to plan...! i am very prejudiced.
  16. crime, violence, rape, unnecessary complaining.
  17. rude people, who think they are so much better than the norwegian folks
  18. good as long as they behave and work to be here, and don't freeload.
  19. i think it's good that norway accepts immigrants, but it can become a bit too much, and now i think norway is too kind!
  20. immigrants should respect norwegian law and culture, not try to change it.. and the norwegian state should also be able to relate to this and not change things and introduce sharia laws, etc.. if an immigrant moves to norway, they should be able to adapt and accept how we norwegians live.
  21. can be both positive and negative. if they adapt to norway and live in a harmonious way, there is no problem; if they try to make the country something it is not, it is negative.
  22. i think it's good that norway accepts immigrants, but i think it can become too much!
  23. labor immigration may need to be paused a bit, but we should focus on refugee immigration. people should also be allowed to come to norway because they want to, not just because they are being chased by a dictator.
  24. it completely depends on the reasons immigrants have for coming to norway.
  25. i become a bit skeptical, but i mostly think this is because the media, etc., makes so much more out of it when it comes to immigrants.
  26. it depends on whether the person is willing to follow norwegian rules.
  27. fine. but it requires adjustment from both sides. mostly from those who come here.
  28. both good and bad feelings.
  29. mixed feelings, mostly positive.
  30. red for my country's economy
  31. norwegians are racists. judge everyone.
  32. it is fine that some come into the country, but not too many.
  33. negative: thinking about all those who are against immigration...
  34. too many are coming in.
  35. it is good that they have a country to come to, but i think norway is handling this very poorly and is trying to make norway "un-norwegian," just to accommodate the immigrants, when it is they who have chosen to come to norway and therefore must adhere to norwegian rules and norms, not that they actually want the state to change norway for them either.
  36. a life without friends! a new country where i will never get used to!
  37. immigration to norway is perfectly fine, but when some immigrants come to norway just to steal and take norwegian women home with them, then there are limits. but i am not against immigration. i am not :)
  38. as long as they don't try to do anything about norwegian laws, or try to take over the country, they are welcome here.
  39. good as long as it doesn't get out of hand. it is important that the economy in norway does not suffer from it. we should also have a more thorough background check on who we let into the country.
  40. mixed feelings. both positive and negative things about this, and it's clear that the system is not working.
  41. i am positive, but it must happen in regulated forms. then we can offer everyone a good deal.
  42. immigration is fine as long as they can adhere to norwegian regulations and adjust to norwegian society and culture.
  43. mixed feelings
  44. it completely depends. if they integrate and behave, it's totally fine.
  45. i think it's fine that they are allowed to come to norway and work here. at the same time, i feel a bit sad that some immigrants might cast a negative light on the rest, just because they might commit a crime. but what bothers me the most is when some decide that they want norway to change the law to suit them, and only them.
  46. i think it should happen under controlled conditions, but we cannot refrain from immigration, nor have free movement.