Урлагийн мэдээлэл: FIT VUT 2016

Эрхэм найзууд аа,

та бүхний цагийг таван минут зарцуулахад баярлалаа, энэ судалгааг бөглөхөд бэлэн байгаад баярлалаа.
Би та бүхнээс энэ хичээлийн талаар юу бодож байгааг, юу танд таалагдсан, юу таалагдаагүй, семестрийн турш ямар асуудалтай байсан, эсвэл юу өөрчлөх, сайжруулахыг хүсч байгааг надад бичиж өгвөл баярлана.

  • Судалгааны асуултууд нийт арван байна. Таны хариултууд нууц байна.
  • Асуулт 1–5-д хариулахдаа сургуулийн үнэлгээгээр (A-аас F) хариулна уу.
  • Асуулт 6–9-д та хамгийн их нийцэж буй хариултыг сонгоно уу.
  • Эцэст нь та өөрийн сэтгэгдлийг нэмэх боломжтой.

Судалгааны явцын нууцлагдсан үр дүнг та

Дахин баярлалаа!

– ts

1. Хичээлийн сонирхол

2. Хичээлийн ашиг тус

3. Сургалтын мэргэжлийн түвшин

4. Сургалтын ойлгомжтой байдал

5. Төгсгөлийн хүндлэл

6. Хичээлийн чиглэл

7. Урлагийн семинар

8. E-learning дэмжлэг

9. Би VIN хичээлийг FIT-д бусад оюутнуудад санал болгох уу?

10. Би сургалтад нэмэлт зүйл хэлэх үү?

  1. na
  2. a laid-back subject with a lot of interesting information. i enjoyed the "art workshop," it was relaxing. it would be good to have a better overview of what others are doing, as not many people contributed to the gallery. for example, at the end of the lecture, you could show what was submitted in the past week. otherwise, i was thrilled with the subject and would wish for more lectures like this.
  3. i liked the opportunity to gain insight into the way of thinking when something is created and serves as "art." i was also influenced by some videos and ideas in them that were uploaded on schoology. perhaps if there were a practical lecture as part of the exhibition, more people would have participated than just 4-6. in any case, thank you very much for this subject.
  4. perhaps we could dedicate part of the lectures to examples from the workshops, maybe show nice examples from the previous week, so that everyone can immediately see what others are doing and be inspired by it. but otherwise, i have no comments; on the contrary, it was an excellent subject, the lectures are very well prepared, and i especially appreciate the friendly approach, which is not often seen.
  5. for me, vin was a great way to unwind; i didn't have to think too much, i just sat down at the pc and relaxed while creating a piece of work :). i know it's a technical school, but i would welcome more subjects like this.
  6. it would be good if there could be more feedback given to students on their works from the workshop (e.g., also from other students, if there were sufficient incentives). the gallery is somewhat "hidden," so i wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of students haven't clicked on it even once.
  7. the subject was very interesting, and i truly admire the lecturer's knowledge. all those historical contexts and various tidbits about who discovered what, when, where it was published, and who stole it from whom. you probably can't find that just anywhere on wikipedia. these are probably not things that we, as computer scientists, would deeply utilize in the future, but i think it's good to have an overview of such things, to know that they exist, and what can be done with a computer. i was just disappointed by the low attendance at the lectures. but that's probably hard to influence.
  8. the lectures were interesting, popular science, which i like. it's just a shame that many students stopped attending the lectures. perhaps the bonus points for activity could be changed to bonus points for attending lectures (1-2 points per lecture). if students only completed the art workshop and had no plans to do the project, they would have 50 points, which is an e; that might be enough for some, but why settle for an e when i can have a d or even a c just for showing up at the lectures? it would be worth it to me.
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах