Хэрэглэгч/парфюм борлуулагчийн YSL парфюмд хандлага

Энэ нь Yves Saint Laurent-ийн "OPIUM" парфюмд хийсэн сэтгэлзүйн судалгааны тухай юм. Бид танд хэдэн минут зарцуулахад баярлалаа, бидэнтэй мэдрэмжээ хуваалцахад. Энэ нь үнэтэй байх болно. Бүх мэдээлэл нууц байх болно.

Танд урьдчилан баярлалаа!

Таны нэр:

  1. swastika
  2. happiness
  3. rupashree dey
  4. synwremudk
  5. yyuprnxbctjlvc


  1. 35
  2. 27
  3. 26
  4. uqfqkexpntqczcqz
  5. ooaiqrbyqucdlicxy

Албан тушаал: та


  1. no
  2. A
  3. ysl
  4. 抱歉,我无法翻译该内容。
  5. uffeasbohhlumzrem

Та хостой юу?

“Opium” гэдэг нэр таны хувьд юу илэрхийлдэг вэ?

  1. no
  2. A
  3. addictive
  4. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  5. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Та ямар YSL парфюм худалдаж авах вэ?

  1. no
  2. A
  3. my paris
  4. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  5. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Эсрэгээр, ямар парфюм худалдаж авахгүй вэ?

  1. no
  2. she
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)


  1. no
  2. not my type
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Та жилд хэдэн парфюм худалдаж авдаг вэ?

  1. 5
  2. 3-4
  3. ierqteonlvvzljgttu
  4. pxszhxgepwljmmjdsp

Парфюм худалдаж авахад хамгийн тохиромжтой үе ямар вэ?

YSL брэндийн тухай таны үзэл юу вэ? Энэ нь тансаг брэнд мөн үү?

  1. no
  2. yes. ysl fragrances are liquid emotion – the combination of the sophistication of french perfumery with daring excess.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Та энэ брэндийн парфюм худалдаж авсан уу?

Хэрвээ тийм бол, аль нь вэ?

  1. my paris
  2. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  3. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in t-minus 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Хэрвээ үгүй бол, яагаад?

  1. no
  2. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  3. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Таны хувьд, YSL парфюм эрэгтэй, эмэгтэй, аль алинд нь хамгийн тохиромжтой юу?

  1. no
  2. yes.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)


  1. no
  2. they offer a variety of perfumes that suit both men and women.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Таны хувьд, ISL-ийн эгерия хэн бэ? (интервью авсан хүн эрэгтэй бол эрэгтэй, эмэгтэй бол эмэгтэй)?

  1. no
  2. both men and women
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Парфюм таны хувьд юу вэ: нууцлал? хуваалцах? дамжуулах? зугтах?... гэх мэт?

  1. no
  2. liquid emotions
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Доорх асуултууд нь зөвхөн YSL хэрэглэгчдэд зориулагдсан: Яагаад та ISL брэндийг сонгосон бэ, бусад брэндийг биш?

  1. no
  2. best fragrances
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Та парфюмны өнгийг санаж байна уу?

  1. yellow
  2. pink, yellow
  3. alvwnwntlf
  4. nbgfxikzqh

Доорх асуултууд нь зөвхөн YSL хэрэглэгчдэд зориулагдсан: (Та болон YSL-ийн "OPIUM") YSL-тай та ямар төрлийн эмэгтэй вэ?

  1. no
  2. elegant
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Та парфюмны зар сурталчилгааны зорилтот бүлэгт багтахыг мэдэрдэг үү?

  1. no
  2. might be
  3. cixxsgjlttlcrxg
  4. hyxpuvuqkmuezi

Хэрвээ бид объектын зургийг хослуулах хэрэгтэй бол, та парфюмд юу нэмэх вэ?

  1. no
  2. hat
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Хэрвээ та ISL-ийг найздаа санал болгох хэрэгтэй бол, та юу хэлэх вэ?

  1. no
  2. best fragrances for a perfume with bold excess.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах