Шинэ багшийн үнэлгээний маягт - Г-жа Ясмин Хабаши (OPMG-д ТА)

1-Та ярилцлагад оролцов уу?

2-Та нэр дэвшигчийн талаар ямар товч сэтгэгдэлтэй байна вэ?

  1. don't know
  2. seemed a bit off.
  3. good candidate
  4. okay. reasonable.
  5. she is good.
  6. good, but needs more improvement.

3-1-5 хүртэлх үнэлгээгээр (5 нь хамгийн сайн) түүний хэв маягийг хэрхэн үнэлсэн бэ?

4-Та юуг хамгийн их таалагдсан бэ?

  1. nothing
  2. the content reflects good efforts - using video and case studies.
  3. attempt to explain the content without solely relying on the powerpoint presentation.
  4. materials preparations
  5. she used case studies and understood the concepts well.
  6. trying to link case studies with the topic.

5-Та юуг хамгийн бага таалагдсан бэ?

  1. everything
  2. needs to engage the audience more by encouraging participation.
  3. lack of engaging audience
  4. reading from paper
  5. she needed more engagement, though she tried a little.
  6. poor communication and reading from slides

6. Та нэр дэвшигчийг ажилд авахыг хүсч байна уу?


  1. she was a hard-working student. good potential.
  2. nu graduate. will be able to understand the environment better than outsiders.
  3. to be shortlisted after comparison.
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах