Эко машин худалдаж авахтай холбоотой судалгаа

Санал хураасны дараа үр дүнг харах боломжтой.

Хэдэн жилийн дотор хувийн машин худалдаж авах эсвэл сольж авах гэж байвал, юу худалдаж авах вэ?

Сэтгэгдэл, санал зэргийг чөлөөтэй бичиж болно (бичих шаардлагагүй).

  1. this piece was cogent, well-written, and pithy.
  2. if electric vehicles become a bit cheaper, i would like to purchase one, but for now they are still too expensive for me. recently, lightweight cars have also improved significantly in fuel efficiency, and they are exempt from the automobile weight tax, so i tend to consider them as an option. however, my purchasing considerations may change due to future legal reforms.
  3. the environmental impact of manufacturing a single car is many times greater than the reduced impact of a hybrid vehicle, so i won't buy a new car. cars that are not controlled by cpus from before the 1980s are easier to repair, so i prefer to drive used cars from that era. hybrids? when we enter an age dominated by electric vehicles, won't they just be garbage?
  4. it's definitely more eco-friendly to continue using one car rather than buying an eco car, so i've never even considered replacing it.
  5. since it's a rural area with few stop-and-go situations, a diesel vehicle that can handle long-distance commuting is probably the top choice.
  6. i hope it will be a survey with a large sample size.
  7. in a few years, since the children are still small, i think about replacing my compact car (i believe the fuel efficiency is good). if it's further in the future, i might consider a hybrid or something similar. however, realistically, i will also take into account the government's subsidy amount (from a household budget perspective). i do have a desire to improve the environment.
  8. i do not plan to purchase a private car unless there is a change in my living environment, such as moving to a rural area, due to the high maintenance costs.
  9. i just bought a daihatsu mira e:s. i purchased it with daihatsu's residual value credit. in three years, i will switch to a new daihatsu again. it's a life of eco-cars.
  10. if a wagon-type phv comes out, i'll buy it immediately. if it doesn't come out yet, i'll go for the hybrid type.
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