Эрүүл амьдрал

Та өдөр бүр ихэнх цагийг ямар үйл ажиллагаанд зарцуулдаг вэ? (Хэрэв та үүнийг хийхийг хүсэхгүй бол ҮГҮЙ гэж бичнэ үү)

  1. i spend most of my time studying and reading.
  2. preparing healthy lunch and dinner
  3. household chores
  4. sleep
  5. no
  6. no
  7. no.
  8. no
  9. school
  10. cooking takes about 2 hours, the gym takes about an hour, and apart from that, it takes about an hour to prepare pre-workout and post-workout meals.
  11. reading books and learning new languages
  12. no
  13. watching tv
  14. watching tv
  15. no
  16. no
  17. household along with my 1-year-old baby girl.
  18. no
  19. job
  20. domestic work
  21. no
  22. work / job
  23. internet
  24. no
  25. no
  26. no
  27. study
  28. no
  29. no
  30. studies, work, tv series, and movies. (mostly in this order).
  31. no
  32. aiesec :p
  33. no
  34. no
  35. studies
  36. studying
  37. aiesec, studies
  38. no
  39. no
  40. work
  41. no
  42. no
  43. work!
  44. online english teaching, aiesec, social media
  45. studies, extracurricular activities, etc.
  46. no
  47. aiesec :d