Ямар логотип хамгийн сайн харагддаг вэ?

Бид Gravite Digital компанийн шинэ логог 4 хувилбараар гаргасан. Хүмүүсийн аль нь хамгийн их таалагддагийг мэдэхийг хүсч байна.

Танд аль логотип хамгийн их таалагддаг вэ?

Танд аль логотип хамгийн их таалагддаг вэ?

(Сонголт) Бид ямар төрлийн бизнес эрхэлдэг вэ / Бид юу хийдэг вэ?

  1. computer teaching
  2. photography may be
  3. digital art?
  4. data protection
  5. mindset
  6. graphic designers for software?
  7. fjbjj
  8. digital art
  9. digital
  10. digital design

(Сонголт) Нэр эсвэл логогийн талаар санал / Логог сайжруулах санал

  1. up to their talent
  2. insert some digital prints
  3. remove the hashtag thing?
  4. there's a bit too much going on; i would decide to put in the # or the bubble thing.
  5. so much pink
  6. 4
  7. from a web design perspective, the first logo is simple yet complex at the same time. it's the most eye-catching. the slight highlighting of "it" conveys the idea of an information technology perspective, which is beneficial for a digital company.
  8. i think it overwhelms your mind with too many colors at first glance. maybe fewer colors would have more effect. perhaps you shouldn't use base cykm colors; it might deter geeks with an unprofessional attitude.
  9. gfjhj
  10. the two symbols are too much together. i like the colored letters, but i would lose one of the symbols.
Өөрийн анкетыг үүсгэхЭнэ анкетаар хариулах