Technologies in medicine: The 5 most exciting medical inventions of the last 50 years

We are students of Vytautas Magnus University and we are making a presentation about technologies in medicine and we want you to fill up this poll. Thank you.

Анкетын үр дүн зөвхөн анкетын зохиогчид зориулсан

When the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine was constructed? ✪

Who developed Computed Tomography (CT)? ✪

Do you think that medical care has changed over 10 years? ✪

What do you think 'Jarvik 7' is? ✪

'da Vinci' is robot technology which is related to assistance in surgeries. In your opinion, how many people around the world were involved in this kind of operations? ✪

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) works using radiation. Is it true or false? ✪

Have you ever been diagnosed by innovative medical technology? ✪

Sir Godfrey Hounsfield and Dr. Alan Cormack were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1979. For what invention? ✪

When the first artificial heart was implanted? ✪

What is your opinion about people who use cosmetic laser surgeries which are not necessary? ✪