The Sims Community Communication on Twitter

Сайн уу, миний нэр Грета бөгөөд би The Sims нийгмийн харилцааны талаар судалгаа хийж байна. The Sims хэрхэн алдартай болсон талаар. 

Зорилго нь тактикууд, алгоритмууд, бүтээгчид болон тэдний шүтэн бишрэгчдийн хоорондын харилцаа, мөн хүмүүс The Sims нийгэмд байхдаа ямар мэдрэмжтэй байдагийг судлах явдал юм. 

Энэ судалгаа нь нууц бөгөөд заавал хийх шаардлагагүй, гэхдээ таны хариултууд энэ судалгааны үр дүнд хүрэхэд их тусална. Судалгаа хийгдсэний дараа та үр дүнг харах боломжтой, гэхдээ бүх хувийн мэдээлэл нууц хэвээр байх болно. 

Энэ судалгааг бөглөхөөр шийдсэн бол баярлалаа, мөн ямар нэгэн асуулт байвал надад холбогдож болно: [email protected]

What is your age?

What is your gender?

Which country are you from?

  1. lithuania
  2. usa
  3. united kingdom
  4. chile
  5. germany
  6. united states
  7. uk
  8. united states of america
  9. united states
  10. united kingdom

What social media platforms do you use?

Do you play The Sims?

Are you afraid to express your opinion on twitter, or other social media platforms in the Sims community?

What is your opinion on The Sims Community on Twitter? (Do think it is wholesome? Or hateful? Can people express their opinion without being afraid of judgement?)

  1. wholesome and really funny sometimes.
  2. i don't use twitter, but the community that interacts with the official sims facebook account feels very strongly about something, and if you disagree with them, they treat you like you're an idiot.
  3. i think that generally across most platforms, the sims community is overwhelmingly positive! people support each other's builds and are really engaged. i think the only times the media can become negative is in response to ea updates or fixes.
  4. i could say that sometimes it is quite wholesome, but i have also found some pretty hateful people there.
  5. very negative from time to time. people always complain about the games as if they are forced to play them.
  6. mostly quite judgmental, especially towards the sims team.
  7. i think there’s good and bad - much like any online community. but i feel it can sometimes feel a little mob-mentality and even get a bit aggressive sometimes, obviously depending on the situation. i feel discussion can often get political and people do feel strongly about political issues so the above kind of makes sense.
  8. it has been mostly positive from what i have seen, but all communities have a bit of hate and discourse now and then.
  9. for the most part, it's quite accepting, but there are a few people who were very upset with the new pronoun update, and that was quite revealing.
  10. wholesome but sometimes it is hard to join conversations. also, there tend to be quite strong opinions that everyone shares (e.g., hate for strangerville), and i wouldn't express it if i disagreed!

What's the most common topic you have seen to be discussed on twitter related to The Sims community?

  1. updates, sims 5 release date, glitches, patches, the cost of expansion packs
  2. on facebook, it's "sims 4 sucks; it needs x, y, and z," with very little discussion of the positive aspects of the game.
  3. the new packs and custom content and build hacks (like using 9 and 0 to raise or lower objects)
  4. sims customization (better gender preferences, skins, hair and eye colors, more skin details), better building objects and customization too, so, yeah, mostly cas and build, although those are the tags i usually read, i don't really know about gameplay.
  5. content that is expected to be released (cars, open world...) and the prices (especially of kits).
  6. ways to change the game.
  7. inclusiveness
  8. expansions, packs, and cas
  9. where to find certain cc
  10. build inspirations also, opinions about new packs released or speculation about future updates

Do you believe that the discussions on twitter (or other social media platform) have/ had and impact on gaining popularity for The Sims?

Have you ever had glitches in your game? Have you ever shared about these glitches to others? Friend/ family circle? Social Media Platforms?

  1. no
  2. no
  3. i have experienced glitches in my game, the most upsetting being that after an update, my game history tends to get erased. i messaged sims 4 on social media, but i didn't post about it.
  4. yes, i have experienced some glitches, but i haven't shared about them because they have been related to gameplay, and i don't really play the sims for its gameplay. i like to create sims and build things, and those have not given me any glitches at all.
  5. have had glitches, didn't share.
  6. i've experienced glitches but haven't shared them.
  7. yes, i have had glitches, but i haven’t complained on social media. i have complained to my boyfriend and family.
  8. i have had glitches in the game. i don’t share about it online. i would only speak to people in person when talking about the game.
  9. yes and yes. usually facebook or twitter.
  10. yes. i haven't shared about them, but i do read forums about people who have similar problems to see how they solved them. i wouldn't comment, though.

Do you believe sharing glitches can be one of strategies to gain popularity for The Sims? (Copy Yes/No if don't have anything to add)

  1. maybe
  2. no
  3. unsure
  4. yes/no
  5. could be a strategy, but not a good one in my opinion.
  6. no
  7. i don’t think so. i don’t think poorly made packs have been good publicity for the sims.
  8. yes
  9. no
  10. no

Do you enjoy seeing funny posts/ jokes on social media platforms related to The Sims?

Is there anything you would like to add/ comment regarding this topic?

  1. no
  2. no, good luck with your project! :)
  3. overall, the sims community is really wholesome, with just a couple of hate comments every once in a while, but the nicest people can be found in this community—people ready to help and share opinions in hopes of, again, helping whoever needs it, whether it's gameplay or trying to solve glitches, etc.
  4. n/a
  5. i love the sims and have been playing the sims 1.
  6. the sims community claims to be tolerant, yet the majority are the most intolerant, toxic people i have ever spoken with.
  7. it may be helpful to identify which version(s) of the sims you are referring to, as many versions have different communities that may sway people's answers in this survey.
  8. i would be interested to know how the sims community compares to other game communities, specifically for games by other developers.
  9. the caliente sisters conspired with don lothario and their alien ancestors to have bella abducted.
  10. it's a game - it should be fun. people should be nice! not everyone has to enjoy it in the same way, so hate or abuse should not be a part of it.
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