Adidas သုတေသန

Adidas သုတေသန



Social status

What main function does brand name associate to you?

What brand is most suitable for you?

Do you know Adidas brand?

Do you like Adidas brand?

Where usually you notice Adidas brand advertisement?

What attracts your attention in Adidas brand advertisements?

Do you think it is enough advertisement in Adidas brand?

Do you think that new technologies and innovations in Adidas brand will attract more customers?

Is it easy to recognize Adidas brand?

Will you buy the Adidas smart shoes which would show your movement statistics during run period?

Would you choose Adidas smart shoes instead of other popular brand simple running shoes?

Do you have Adidas shop in your town?

How often are you visiting Adidas shops?

What products of Adidas brand are you using?

Are the prices of Adidas brand suitable for you?

Why are you choosing this brand?

မိမိ၏ အကဲဖြတ်ချက်ကို ဖန်တီးပါဤအကွက်ကို ဖြေကြားပါ