ဆိုဗီယက်ကာလ၏ အထူးအရာများနှင့် ဆက်နွယ်မှုများ

(5) ကူလက်

  1. coolie? archipelago gulag? labor camp in siberia?
  2. swedish court
  3. -
  4. gulag
  5. if it is like gulag, then prison, camp, re-education camp
  6. if it should be called gulag, forced labor camp/punishment camp/stalin.
  7. means "ear" in turkish
  8. strong men with beards
  9. labor camp
  10. -
  11. no idea
  12. farmers
  13. landowner, massacre
  14. camp, punishment, prisoner
  15. 请提供需要翻译的内容。
  16. farmer
  17. ???
  18. ?
  19. sounds like something to eat.
  20. i don't know that either.
  21. never heard before
  22. a soviet farmer
  23. punishment
  24. cold, siberia, those who did not return home
  25. farmers, right? sounds derogatory, negative, but i'm not sure if the term is actually neutral.
  26. none
  27. punishment
  28. prison camp
  29. no association
  30. gulag?
  31. large farmstead of a farmer
  32. large farmer
  33. tells me nothing
  34. gross farmer
  35. i only became familiar with the term after the reunification.
  36. desolation, siberia
  37. large landowner who rules with power
  38. when i write "gulag," then: internment camp, concentration camp
  39. doesn't evoke any association - i don't know / gulag is something different
  40. labor camp, forced labor, deportation, death (many did not survive)
  41. farmers
  42. gulag
  43. evil, rich
  44. i don't know.
  45. beer mug
  46. large landowners were expropriated in the early years of soviet power because they allegedly exploited landless peasants, and some were even killed or exiled.
  47. farmers
  48. labor camp, russia
  49. derogatory term for large farmers in the ussr
  50. faust
  51. gulak?
  52. ever heard
  53. i don't know what it is.
  54. faust
  55. prison camp, inhumane, deadly for many victims.
  56. shoe
  57. nothing
  58. maybe gulag? deportation of a huge number of people to north siberia.