because the bits travel one after the other, without the electric and magnetic fields interfering with each other.
because the movement of charges is not hindered by the interference of the magnetic field
there is no interference from the electromagnetic fields of moving electrons
there are fewer interferences
because they create less interference
because electrons travel in series, that is, one behind the other, and in this way the interference created by the electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to the path is reduced.
because they interfere less with magnetic and electric fields, so electrons move faster.
less interference is created between the magnetic fields
because no interference is created due to the magnetic fields induced by the flow of current
because they create less electromagnetic interference compared to parallel ones
because s-ata transmits electrons asynchronously through a smaller number of pins, which means that the electrons create less interference as they pass, increasing the transmission of information
in sata connections, electrons travel in packets of 3-4 pins and generate less intense magnetic fields that do not cause interference.
why do electrons travel in series?
because electrons travel one at a time, electromagnetic fields are formed that are less powerful than parallel connections.
less interference
because there is less interference.
there are no interferences between the electromagnetic fields of the electrons.