အမျိုးသမီး အဓိပ္ပာယ်ဖျော်ဖြေရန် အထည်အလိပ်
might not be a good contrast color for people with lighter skin.
okay in most situations if the interpreter has darker skin.
if the interpreter has a darker skin tone, i could see this working in an educational setting.
i'm torn about this one. i think it could potentially work.
again, depending on the interpreter's skin tone.
too bright
appropriate for african american interpreters
i would not wear this to interpret.
yellow is a bad color unless it contrasts better with skin tone.
only for a dark-skinned person.
depends on skin color.
again with the color. eyestrain.
if on darker skin tones
legal/presentation add a jacket. performance depends on costuming/skin tone. all others depend on skin tone.
okay for dark-skinned interpreter.
in a vrs situation, where the pants couldn't be seen, it would be acceptable for a dark-skinned interpreter.
would be appropriate for an interpreter of color in most (not all) situations.
again, if i had dark skin perhaps.
yellow would suit a darker-skinned interpreter very well, but not a lighter-skinned interpreter.
okay for dark-skinned interpreters in community, legal, and medical settings.
depends on skin color.
depending on the interpreter's skin tone
if person of color
too bright
color is too bright.
very bright colors.
possibly with a dark-skinned interpreter.