तपाईंको शरीरको छवि

यदि तपाईंले आजकलको समाजको सौन्दर्यको चित्रणमा एक कुरा परिवर्तन गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ भने, तपाईं के परिवर्तन गर्नुहुन्छ?

  1. i don’t know
  2. the false projection of beauty and the women we admire, for example, most celebrities and influencers have had work done to their face and body, giving 'normal' people that unrealistic and unachievable goal.
  3. the fact that people's posts on social media have nothing to do with reality
  4. i would not change anything.
  5. i would eliminate the perfect body standard. everyone should look unique and should not be ashamed of how they look by others.
  6. i want people to know that it's not important how you look; what's important is what you make of yourself. i think everyone should feel good about themselves, but it's also important to be healthy. you don't have to be skinny to be healthy; that's an important point! maybe everyone has to find the right way. everyone is different, and it's so important that we all look different. i think more people should think like that.
  7. literally everything. people are terrible, and women (and men) feel like they need to look a certain way because of how society portrays everything.
  8. everyone is beautiful, and people need to hear that more.
  9. my stomach
  10. face
  11. i’d like to change people’s thinking about beauty standards. we all are beautiful and it doesn’t matter if i’m taller, shorter, thicker..
  12. you shouldn't have to have thigh gaps to look sexy. chubby girls need love too. 😌
  13. being unhealthily skinny is not good; just because someone appears 'fat' doesn't mean they aren't healthy.
  14. -
  15. i think our society should focus more on a person's inner beauty rather than their appearance.
  16. having to have the "perfect" body
  17. just because you are skinny doesn’t mean you are healthy, and being thick doesn’t mean you are unhealthy. there are many skinny people who are very unhealthy, and then there are some who are healthy. likewise, there are thicker people who are healthy and some who are not healthy. health should not be determined by weight.
  18. my face
  19. that people weren't so judgmental about how others looked.
  20. beauty standards and gendered clothing
  21. fake tan
  22. that having a different body is okay and you don’t have to look like a supermodel.
  23. that it's okay that everyone's bodies are different and you shouldn't be ashamed of it.
  24. i would create a place where everyone is accepted and embraced.
  25. the expectations people have about women’s bodies lead women themselves to dislike their appearance.
  26. that people appreciate the different.
  27. people can look any way and they are still beautiful.
  28. to not care about a person's appearance.
  29. the extreme thinness - and the new glorification of being obese.
  30. women who are of average size and weight are actually beautiful.
  31. i would change the perception of 'flaws' as something negative or something that makes us feel inferior. they are our beauty; they define who we are and make us unique.
  32. social media's portrayal of the "perfect body types" includes slim, fit, toned, muscular but not overly muscular types.
  33. the way women see each other
  34. probably the way people bully others for their appearance.
  35. i always see that people say 'you are beautiful the way you are, don't change anything,' but sometimes i feel that people want to change themselves to feel better and more confident in their bodies. as a dancer, i don't believe i am fit enough compared to other people, but every day i am working on my strength to then feel confident in myself. i would rather people encourage me on my journey than to tell me i'm fine the way i am!
  36. that girls and boys are allowed to have belly rolls. it doesn't make them fat or ugly. it makes them human.
  37. one thing i would change is the type of body they advertise. you don’t have to have a perfect hourglass figure or be “skinny” to be beautiful. society needs to understand that there is not one type of beauty. that beauty comes in all shapes and forms.
  38. i would change people's point of view. that you don't need to look pretty on the outside to be pretty on the inside.
  39. everything
  40. that all body shapes and types are okay and should not be mocked, and females should not be ashamed.
  41. not everyone has to look exactly the same, and no one has a perfect body because there is no such thing as a perfect body. we are all individuals in our own right, and more people need to start realizing that and respecting it.
  42. that different body types can be beautiful and that everyone is unique and we should love that
  43. i hate the whole body shaming in general. all bodies are beautiful and unique in their own way, and all bodies should be praised, not just skinny bodies and not just curvy bodies... all bodies.
  44. the way people perceive themselves in relation to others.
  45. the fact that they expect all girls to look like models.
  46. everything
  47. get to know the person because personality is more important.
  48. i don't know, to be honest.
  49. accept everyone’s journey with themselves
  50. i would include more body types as models. we either have super skinny models, "plus sized" models (which aren't actually plus size), or very large women. i'm not upset about these portrayals, but where are the pear or apple-shaped beauties? the shorter beauties? there should be even more body shapes for men because they are objectified as well.
  51. more accepting and loving.
  52. the need for everyone to appear artificial.
  53. automatically thinking that skinny girls are beautiful and bigger girls are not.
  54. cover of books, you know what i mean.
  55. i would change my face.
  56. oh my god, really?
  57. betlolololol
  58. people think
  59. nojus
  60. noah, the rescuer
  61. i don't know.
  62. people judge a lot.
  63. my face
  64. i would change the laws. i don't know.
  65. the text "omvgbjufs" does not appear to be a word in any recognizable language. it may be a code, a typo, or a random string of characters. please provide more context or check for any errors.
  66. nelolol
  67. lolololol
  68. society thinks that body shape is beauty. if you're skinny, you're beautiful. it's not fair.
  69. nothing
  70. i would love to make people see the world differently, just to accept everybody the way they are.