राष्ट्रपतिको डोनाल्ड ट्रम्पको आरोपमा जनताको प्रतिक्रिया

के आरोपले तपाईंको डोनाल्ड ट्रम्पको बारेमा रायमा प्रभाव पारेको छ? यदि हो भने, कसरी? यदि होइन भने, किन?

  1. not sure
  2. no, i already had a bad opinion of him.
  3. i'm scared to jinx it, but i don't think that anything else that comes to light about him would surprise me.
  4. i don't think i know enough to have a firm opinion on trump; however, my view of him has always been negative, and his indictment just further supports that view.
  5. no, i never liked him.
  6. i don't know about it.
  7. no, it's not surprising to me, to be honest.
  8. not sure that's in donald trump's indictment, so no influence.
  9. i don't know.
  10. yes, my opinion of him is worse.
  11. yes, a little bit negatively.
  12. yes, it just confirmed that he is a horrible human being.
  13. .
  14. he is just a stupid man.
  15. i don't know what happened.
  16. no, because i always thought he was an idiot. that is only enhanced now.
  17. he's just a walking parody of a president.
  18. it made my opinion of him more negative.
  19. yes, after all he's done, he should be dealt with.
  20. it did not change anything; i think of him the same way as before.
  21. i haven't heard and don't know what happened.
  22. he was always a bad person.
  23. he bent down even lower.
  24. no, because he's always doing something stupid.
  25. i never liked him; this indictment just confirms it.
  26. no, he was always terrible.
  27. i'm not surprised something like this happened, and it doesn't change my previous opinion.
  28. it is not a surprise.
  29. .
  30. no
  31. my opinion remains the same.
  32. it didn't change it because i didn't know about it.
  33. it didn't influence my opinion because i don't think it's relevant to his work.
  34. it has not influenced my opinion.
  35. -
  36. .
  37. .
  38. -
  39. A
  40. respectfully no, i disliked him and his policies before his indictment.
  41. it is bad for his public image, which wasn't great before either :/
  42. i have seen that no matter what, he will always consider himself innocent.
  43. i don't have any opinion about this. i am not into politics.
  44. no. i never liked him anyway.
  45. yes, he should be in jail.
  46. no, he always did stupid things.
  47. no, because my knowledge about his activities is limited.
  48. yes, i didn't know that he could stoop any lower.
  49. i already had a bad opinion of him. i knew about his scandals with playboy, and i never supported him or his decisions.
  50. no, because i am not interested in politics.
  51. no
  52. no, because he was always a bad person and he got what he deserved.
  53. no, as i found him to be a misplaced figure in a democratic society.
  54. i had a bad opinion of him, so it doesn't change.
  55. no. i don't like him, that's all.
  56. kind of yes, kind of no, i’ve always had a negative opinion about donald trump, so it hasn’t changed much after his indictment.
  57. i always thought that he was terrible and still think the same.
  58. no, because i haven't heard about this.
  59. yes, because he is stupid and i can't believe that after this he's running for election.
  60. it didn't change my opinion about donald trump because it wasn't really shocking considering his background.
  61. yes. i have less respect for him.