लक्जरी ब्राण्डहरूको धारणा लिथुआनियामा

प्रिय सहभागीहरू!

यो सर्वेक्षण मेरो थेसिस अनुसन्धानको एक भाग हो जुन विल्नियस विश्वविद्यालयमा गरिएको छ जसले लिथुआनियामा लक्जरीको अर्थ र लक्जरी ब्राण्डहरूको धारणा प्रकट गर्नेछ। यहाँ कुनै सही वा गलत उत्तरहरू छैनन्। कृपया तपाईंका उत्तरहरूमा ईमानदार हुनुहोस् र परीक्षणको आनन्द लिनुहोस्! 😉

तपाईंको सहयोगको लागि धेरै धन्यवाद!

मुख्य परिभाषाहरू: उत्पत्ति देश - यो उत्पादनको निर्माण, उत्पादन गर्ने देश हो।

कृपया यो लिङ्कहरू तपाईंका साथीहरूसँग साझा गर्नुहोस्, प्रत्येक उत्तर मेरो लागि मूल्यवान छ। धन्यवाद!​​ 
अंग्रेजीमा https://goo.gl/forms/SF9WqxkWidMeYm0R2

लिथुआनियामा https://goo.gl/forms/ug5ypO9cxTqousMf1

लक्जरी ब्राण्डहरूको धारणा लिथुआनियामा
प्रश्नावलीका परिणाम सार्वजनिक रूपमा उपलब्ध छन्

How often do you buy luxury brand products? ✪

Indicate the type of luxury product that you have bought recently ✪

According to you, at what price range can the aforementioned product be considered luxury ✪

Please select the strength to which you agree/disagree with the statement ✪

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Luxuriousness of a branded product is defined by price
Quality of luxury brand products is better than premium and mid-range brands
Luxury brand products are truly authentic
Luxury brand products indicate good taste of their owner
Luxury brand products exist in small or very limited quantity
Luxury brand products have unique design or extraordinary details
Luxury brand products should have innovative functional attributes
Luxury brand products elevate their owner’s social status
Luxury brand products differentiate their owners

Please select the strength to which you agree/disagree with the statement ✪

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I think luxury branded goods are worth buying
I trust luxury branded goods
I am not familiar with luxury branded goods, so I prefer to buy other brands that I feel more familiar with
I am familiar with luxury branded goods
For me, purchasing luxury brands is self-gifting
Luxury branded goods are what I usually buy
I switch from luxury branded goods to save money when the economic conditions are serious
I buy well-known luxury branded goods only when the economic conditions are good
I buy luxury branded goods even when the economic conditions are serious
I intend to buy luxury goods
My willingness to buy luxury goods is high.
I am likely to purchase any luxury goods
I have a high intention to buy luxury goods.

Please select the strength to which you agree/disagree with the statement ✪

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Only those products that are unavailable in Lithuania should be imported
Lithuanian products, first, last, and foremost
Purchasing foreign-made products is un-Lithuanian
It is wrong to purchase foreign products
A real Lithuanian should buy Lithuanian-made products
We should purchase products manufactured in Lithuania instead of letting other countries get rich off us
Lithuanians should not buy foreign products, as this hurts Lithuanian businesses and causes unemployment
It might cost me in the long run, but I prefer to support Lithuanian products
We should buy from foreign countries only those products that we cannot obtain within our own country.
Lithuanian consumers who purchase products made in other countries are responsible for putting their fellow Lithuanians out of work
A person should always look for country of origin information when buying a product that has a high risk of malfunctioning, e.g. when buying luxury apparel, watches, car
I find out a product's country of origin to determine its quality
When buying an expensive item such as luxury goods, I always seek to find out what country the product was made in
If I buy a luxury product, I always look for products from certain countries

Please select one category of luxury product that you want to describe. (A product that you bought during the last year). ✪

Please select the strength to which you agree/disagree with the statement ✪

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Luxury brand product is handmade (crafted)
Luxury brand product has the best quality
Luxury brand product is sophisticated (technologically)
Luxury brand product is superior
Luxury Brand product is precious
Luxury Brand product is rare
Luxury Brand product is rare
Luxury Brand product is attracting
Luxury Brand product is conspicuous
Luxury Brand product is conspicuous
Luxury Brand product is for the wealthy

Please select the strength to which you agree/disagree with the statement ✪

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Before purchasing that product, I assumed that it will make good impression on others
My friends / colleagues / relatives and I tend to buy the same luxury brands
I decided to buy this brand because it is in fashion
My friends/relatives/colleagues gave me some advice/suggestions about this luxury product
I believed that people will look highly at me whenever I carry that product.
I bought that product even though some of my friends do not approve of it
I bought its brand because it is Lithuanian
I wish I could buy a luxury product with similar characteristics made in Lithuania
If there was an alternative national brand for this product, I would buy the Lithuanian brand
I checked the product’s country of origin before buying it
The country of origin of this luxury brand affected my purchase decision

Please state the price for this product: ✪

How old are you? ✪

What is your gender? ✪

Are you Lithuanian ? ✪

What is your current occupation? ✪