लिथुआनियाको छवि को अनुसन्धान

मेरो नाम करोलिना हो। अहिले म मेरो मास्टर थेसिस लेख्दै छु, विषय हो: "लिथुआनियामा पर्यटन"। मेरो मास्टर थेसिससँग सम्बन्धित रूपमा म लिथुआनियाको छवि को अनुसन्धान गर्दै छु। यस अनुसन्धानको मद्दतले म पत्ता लगाउन चाहन्छु कि लिथुआनियामा पर्यटकहरूको संख्या बढाउन के गर्नुपर्छ। तपाईंको मद्दतको लागि धेरै धन्यवाद!!!! यदि तपाईं सक्नुहुन्छ भने, कृपया यो लिंक तपाईंका साथीहरूलाई पठाउनुहोस्, यसले मलाई धेरै मद्दत गर्नेछ!! ...........नोटहरू------- -कृपया प्रश्नावली भर्ने काम सकिएपछि अन्तमा GERAI थिच्नुहोस् (लिथुआनियामा यसको अर्थ राम्रो हो)....त्यसैले, तपाईंको प्रश्नावली पेश गरिनेछ!

1. तपाईंको राष्ट्रियता के हो?

  1. indian
  2. indian
  3. indian
  4. indian
  5. indian
  6. indian
  7. indian
  8. indian
  9. indian
  10. indian

2. तपाईंको स्थायी बसोबासको देश के हो?

  1. india
  2. india
  3. indian
  4. india
  5. hyderabad, india
  6. A
  7. indian
  8. india
  9. india
  10. india

3. तपाईंको उमेर कति हो?

  1. 24
  2. 34
  3. 35
  4. 35
  5. 35
  6. 20
  7. 27
  8. 27
  9. 43
  10. 42

4. तपाईंको लिङ्ग के हो?

5. के तपाईंले कहिल्यै लिथुआनिया भ्रमण गर्नुभएको छ?

A 6. लिथुआनिया जानको लागि तपाईंको मुख्य कारण के थियो?

A 7. लिथुआनिया भ्रमण गर्दा तपाईंले मुख्य रूपमा के गरिरहनु भएको थियो?

A 8. तपाईंले लिथुआनिया जानु अघि त्यहाँको बारेमा जानकारी कहाँबाट पाउनुभयो?

A 9. तपाईं लिथुआनियामा कहाँ बस्नुभएको थियो?

A 10. लिथुआनिया भ्रमण गर्दा तपाईंले दैनिक (औसत) कति पैसा खर्च गर्नुभएको थियो (युरोमा)?

  1. 250
  2. no
  3. no
  4. spplxysatqpysxrodn
  5. qialjxodkuxfg
  6. vxdziolurxjl
  7. 150 euros
  8. braeden
  9. 60
  10. 50

A 11. के तपाईंलाई लाग्छ लिथुआनिया महँगो देश हो?

A 12. लिथुआनियामा होटल, रेस्टुरेन्टहरूको सेवा तपाईं कसरी मूल्याङ्कन गर्नुहुन्छ?

A 13. लिथुआनियामा यातायात सेवाको मूल्याङ्कन कसरी गर्नुहुन्छ (रेल, बस...) ?

A 14. लिथुआनियाका मानिसहरूको आतिथ्यतालाई तपाईं कसरी मूल्याङ्कन गर्नुहुन्छ?

A 15. लिथुआनियामा फुर्सदको मनोरञ्जनको सम्भावनाहरूलाई तपाईं कसरी मूल्याङ्कन गर्नुहुन्छ?

A 16. लिथुआनियामा सुरक्षा बारे तपाईंको के विचार छ?

A 17. कुन देश तपाईंलाई सबैभन्दा मन पर्यो? (कृपया उत्तर दिनुहोस् यदि तपाईंले सबै 3 देशहरूमा जानुभएको छ)

A 18. तपाईंलाई यो देश किन बढी मन पर्यो? (कृपया उत्तर दिनुहोस् यदि तपाईंले प्रश्न नं 17 मा उत्तर दिनुभएको छ)

A 19. लिथुआनियामा तपाईं कहाँ जानुभएको छ?

A 20. लिथुआनियाका कमीहरू (अवगुण) के हुन्?

A 21. लिथुआनियाका गुणहरू (फाइदाहरू) के हुन्?

B 6. तपाईं लिथुआनिया बारे कति जान्नुहुन्छ? कृपया उत्तर दिनुहोस् यदि तपाईं लिथुआनियामा जानुभएको छैन

B 7. तपाईं लिथुआनियाको इतिहास बारे कति जान्नुहुन्छ?

B 8. लिथुआनियामा कति मानिसहरू बसोबास गर्दैछन्?

B 9. लिथुआनियामा तपाईंलाई थाहा भएका प्रसिद्ध स्थानहरू के के हुन्?

  1. vilnius, kaunas
  2. vilnius
  3. no
  4. no
  5. vilnius kaunas trakai
  6. kaunas vilnius trakai
  7. i don't know.
  8. none
  9. a sizable portion of the stuff you put out is astonishingly correct, which makes me wonder why i had not looked at this in this particular light before. this piece truly did turn the light on for me regarding this subject matter. however, there is actually one aspect i am not entirely comfortable with, so while i try to reconcile that with the main idea of your point, let me see what the rest of your readers have to say. pretty well done.
  10. good day! this was a really excellent subject! i come from italy, i was lucky to find your theme on google. also, i learned a lot from your topics, really thanks very much. i will come back later.

B 10. तपाईंले लिथुआनियाबारे पहिलो पटक कहाँ सुन्नुभयो?

  1. internet
  2. no
  3. no
  4. internet and social networks
  5. while talking about the old ussr
  6. internet
  7. on tv
  8. internet
  9. a sizable portion of the stuff you put out is astonishingly correct, which makes me wonder why i had not looked at this in this particular light before. this piece truly did turn the light on for me regarding this subject matter. however, there is actually one aspect i am not entirely comfortable with, so while i try to reconcile that with the main idea of your point, let me see what the rest of your readers have to say. pretty well done.
  10. good day! this was a really excellent subject! i come from italy, i was lucky to find your theme on google. also, i learned a lot from your topics, really thanks very much. i will come back later.

B 11. के तपाईंको लिथुआनिया भ्रमण गर्ने योजना छ?

B12. तपाईं लिथुआनिया जान्न चाहँदैन भन्ने कारणहरू के के हुन्? (प्रश्न 11 मा होइन भने उत्तर दिनुहोस्)

B13. के तपाईंले कहिल्यै लिथुआनियाका दृश्यहरू वा स्थानहरू (कहाँ र कहिले) देख्नुभएको छ? (टीवी, पत्रिका, म्यागजिनमा)?

  1. no
  2. tv
  3. no
  4. no
  5. no
  6. no
  7. never
  8. a sizable portion of the stuff you put out is astonishingly correct, which makes me wonder why i had not looked at this in this particular light before. this piece truly did turn the light on for me regarding this particular subject matter. however, there is actually one aspect i am not entirely comfortable with, so while i try to reconcile that with the central idea of your point, let me see what the rest of your readers have to say. pretty well done.
  9. good day! this was a really excellent subject! i come from italy, i was lucky to find your theme on google. also, i learned a lot from your topics, really thanks very much. i will come back later.
  10. you're on top of the game. thanks for sharing.

B 14. के तपाईंको लिथुआनियामा कुनै साथीहरू छन्?

B 15. तपाईं लिथुआनियालाई कुन देशको समूहमा राख्नुहुन्छ?

B 16. के तपाईंले कहिल्यै विल्नियसको बारेमा सुन्नुभएको छ? (यदि हो भने यो के हो?)

  1. yes, the capital of lithuania.
  2. yes
  3. no
  4. no
  5. yes the famous place
  6. yes it is a famous place in lithuania
  7. yes, it's a university.
  8. no
  9. no
  10. a sizable portion of the stuff you put out is astonishingly correct, which makes me wonder why i had not looked at this in this particular light before. this piece truly did turn the light on for me regarding this subject matter. however, there is actually one aspect i am not entirely comfortable with, so while i try to reconcile that with the main idea of your point, let me see what the rest of your readers have to say. pretty well done.

B 17. लिथुआनियामा तपाईं कुन शहरहरू भ्रमण गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ?

  1. kaunas, vilnius
  2. no
  3. no
  4. all the places
  5. vilnius trakai island
  6. no idea
  7. a sizable portion of the stuff you put out is astonishingly correct, which makes me wonder why i had not looked at this in this particular light before. this piece truly did turn the light on for me regarding this subject matter. however, there is actually one aspect i am not entirely comfortable with, so while i try to reconcile that with the main idea of your point, let me see what the rest of your readers have to say. pretty well done.
  8. good day! this was a really excellent subject! i come from italy, i was lucky to find your theme on google. also, i learned a lot from your topics, really thanks very much. i will come back later.
  9. you're on top of the game. thanks for sharing.
  10. it is the villages outside the cities that are also wonderful to see.

B 18. तपाईंलाई लाग्छ लिथुआनियामा सेवाहरू (होटल, क्याफे) पश्चिमी युरोपेली देशहरूको तुलनामा कस्तो छ?

B 19. तपाईंलाई लाग्छ लिथुआनियामा यातायात सेवाहरू पश्चिमी युरोपेली देशहरूको तुलनामा कस्तो छ?

आफ्नो प्रश्नावली सिर्जना गर्नुहोस्यस प्रश्नावलीमा जवाफ दिनुहोस्