विद्यार्थीहरूको लागि प्रश्नावली फोर्ट हेयर विश्वविद्यालयमा

7. के तपाईं कक्षाको गुणस्तरमा सन्तुष्ट हुनुहुन्छ? कृपया किन लेख्नुहोस्।

  1. yes. patient lecturers.
  2. no
  3. not much. some teachers are not sincere in their duties.
  4. ain't nobody got time for that!
  5. not really. one can't really hear the lecturer because of poor venue and projection.
  6. yes, i would like to believe that it is of high quality. i haven't done databases before nor with any other university, so i can't really make much of a strong comparison review.
  7. yes, i feel like i'm gaining good knowledge.
  8. yes, i am, because our lecturer is meeting us halfway by assisting us where we need help.
  9. it seems like this semester all my lectures are boring me. i haven't a clue why, though.
  10. yes, i am. i have gained sufficient knowledge that is required for me to be prepared to write exams and move to the next level in my studies.
  11. yes, they gained knowledge.
  12. so far, i am satisfied; the lecture slides that are provided assist a great deal.
  13. so far, i am satisfied with the lectures. what is explained in class is clearly stated on the lecture slides.
  14. i am not satisfied because sometimes we don't get what we expect from our lectures.
  15. yes, he explains everything to us.
  16. yes, because he explains everything to us and gives examples.
  17. yes, they provide us with enough information to help us succeed.
  18. yes, i am, because our lecturer is dedicated to making us understand the course more easily.
  19. yes, i am, the reason being our lecturer is very dedicated to his work and helps us understand the course much easier.
  20. yes, i'm satisfied.
  21. yes, i think he explains very well.
  22. some of the lectures are good at explaining, while others are not at all.
  23. the quality of lectures for some is very poor because i have a lecturer who does not want to use the v-drive so that i can access the powerpoint slides he is using in class. so the quality is satisfactory or average, and some are good but far from excellent.
  24. yes, because he tries so hard to make us understand.
  25. no, i can't even hear what the lecturer says most of the time.
  26. yes, i am. the lectures try to explain all the work in the best possible way.
  27. yes, our lecturers have the qualifications they need to teach, and they make their courses easy to understand.
  28. yes, as there is enough information provided to the students in terms of lecture slides and easy access to library books.
  29. no, because some of the lectures are not explained properly!
  30. yes, because we gain a lot of knowledge during lectures.
  31. yes, because he knows his staff.
  32. yes...provide good information.
  33. yes. the lectures are qualified (in their area of expertise) and are helpful.
  34. yes, because the lecturer is helpful and he explains and shows us how to do practicals before we do them.
  35. yes
  36. yes, i can understand what they are saying.
  37. yes...because they provide the relevant information and make it clear and more understandable for everyone.
  38. no, not all lectures i hear in class; the other lecturers don't speak loudly, and some are also poor when it comes to recording marks for students, which leads to lower marks and students failing.
  39. yes, because they are always motivating students to participate in every task given, and they also provide some practicals so that students will not only learn the theory part but also apply what was taught in class practically.
  40. some of them, as they are flexible and able to understand that they are learners who don't have a computer background.
  41. yes, we are able to understand.
  42. i am very satisfied with the lecturers because they always go to great lengths to explain everything in detail for us to gain a better understanding of the course.
  43. i am satisfied because they help us gain knowledge and pass the exams.
  44. not really, he is not that audible, and sometimes the things he says are very confusing.
  45. yes, he can explain if you do not understand and help you understand.
  46. yes, i am satisfied with the quality of the lectures simply because the lecturers ask if we understand as students and also help when we do not understand.
  47. no, the lecture room is too small and the lecture cannot be heard; he speaks in a very low voice.
  48. yes, they're very helpful.
  49. yes, he's a genius.
  50. yes, they use the appropriate supporting materials so that students can understand the coursework.
  51. yes, he's a genius.
  52. yes, i am. because the lecturer uses good material to help us understand a few things better.
  53. yes, i am, mainly because it is good enough for database as it is more of a practical course than my usual theory courses.
  54. yes, because i get a lot of information.
  55. yes, as they know what they are doing. but the difficulty then arises because some of them cannot effectively communicate this to us. they are so passionate that they skip over other things, taking for granted that we will understand.
  56. yes. they are able to explain difficult concepts.
  57. on average, it is okay to get you through, but there is room for improvement.
  58. no, they need to put more effort into their lecturing and ensure that students participate in class through class exercises and by closely monitoring them thoroughly.
  59. yes, because they allow discussion in class.
  60. yes, i am satisfied with the quality of the lectures; the lecturer tries his best to help the students understand what he is trying to say.
  61. yes
  62. not all of them
  63. yes, one can see that they are qualified for the job.
  64. yes
  65. yes, interesting and worthwhile.
  66. not exactly
  67. yes because they provide us with all the knowledge that can assist us in the future.
  68. yes, i am because the lecture gives us adequate information about the course.
  69. yes, because everything discussed in the lectures is clear and understandable.
  70. yes, they are very knowledgeable.
  71. most of the lectures are very helpful; just a few need improvements.
  72. not really, because they do not use the microphone and sometimes it is hard to hear the lecturer when he talks as we are many students.
  73. yes, i am satisfied. good lecturers who try to help and explain the content in a very understandable, simple manner.
  74. yes, i am, as they are making an effort to provide us with as much information as possible for us to learn and understand the concepts.
  75. yes. the lecturer's slides are useful and he is always well prepared.
  76. no, i am not. i always feel like some of the lecturers are underqualified to teach some of the courses, so they won't be teaching the subject area with the depth required at university level.
  77. yes, i am, because the lecturer explains each and every topic so that you can have a better understanding of it, and thus it makes it easier to do the work on your own.
  78. yes, the lecturer is on time for lectures and teaches us the necessary information that we need to know in order to pass and be more aware of the technologies around us.
  79. no, the lecturer is boring.
  80. yes, they are very helpful to students because if someone does not understand the lecture, they are free to consult it.
  81. yes, they try by all means to provide us with the information that we need.
  82. yes, i am because the lecturer tries their best to explain everything to the students.
  83. yes, the lecturers at the university seem to know what they are doing.
  84. yes, considering the current conditions of education in our country, i consider myself privileged to be studying at this university.
  85. yes, because in the lectures we have an opportunity to ask questions when we encounter difficulties.
  86. yes. the lecturer uses slides and they are quite helpful.
  87. some yes, i am, but with some of the lecturers, they still use the old style of dictating notes.
  88. yes, he is always on time and well prepared for each lecture.
  89. yes, they do their job.
  90. yes, because they are so understanding in a way that if a student did not understand something during the lecture, he/she can consult the lecture.
  91. yes, because our lectures try to explain things so that we can understand.
  92. some lectures yes, but some lecturers seem uninterested and unmotivated, making the lecture extremely boring and uninteresting.
  93. yes, considering the state of our country's education.
  94. yes, he knows what he is lecturing about.
  95. yes, because they are so understanding in such a way that if a student does not understand something, they explain it until the student is clear.
  96. sometimes..
  97. i am satisfied.
  98. i am satisfied with the quality of the lectures; all the information that i need to know is conveyed in a professional manner, which i feel is appropriate for our level.
  99. yes, they always try by all means to make us understand what we are supposed to do.
  100. yes. they are highly organized and planned out in advance, so i will be well aware of the content of the lecture, which makes participation easier.