सिंगापुरमा लक्जरी होटलमा प्रभाव पार्ने सांस्कृतिक विविधतालाई कसरी व्यवस्थापन गर्ने?

तपाईंले स्थिति समाधान गर्नका लागि के समस्या र समाधान प्रयोग गर्नुभयो?

  1. 语言和沟通问题影响思维方式 我们不得不使用一个懂两种语言的翻译人员。
  2. there will be language worries, but they are friends.
  3. A
  4. heartfelt communication is the best solution for people from different cultures.
  5. not much. only in case of some rituals and foods that are restricted in some religions affects.
  6. maintenance of verbal obedience
  7. i didn't find any problem at all.
  8. adapt their culture and understand their culture and way of working.
  9. culture shock and my kiwi friends help me solve this problem by telling me what kiwis usually do.
  10. misunderstanding of the tasks which led to customer dissatisfaction. the solutions that i have used were to learn from the mistakes and listen carefully to the tasks or repeat the tasks to ensure that i have followed the request correctly.
  11. language barriers prevented communication, so body language was used instead.
  12. different work ethics and styles
  13. sometimes we don't understand what they want.
  14. there were minor communication issues since they didn't speak much english. however, the problem was solved when we sat down together to slowly understand each other.
  15. communication and misunderstanding among different cultures occur as people have various ways of conducting certain activities.
  16. there is no specific problem for me to work with people from diverse cultures. the only issue is that i cannot understand when they talk or discuss or even blame me in their native language (definitely not english).
  17. working pace and attitude