सूचना फैलाउने र जनताको प्रतिक्रिया युक्रेन-रूसको द्वन्द्वको बारेमा सामाजिक मिडियामा

तपाईंले अन्तिम प्रश्नलाई त्यो मात्रामा किन मूल्यांकन गर्नुभयो?

  1. because i never trust the media 100%.
  2. it is true what i see.
  3. because social media channels can post whatever they want. they can display the sources, but even those can sometimes be false or incorrect.
  4. it's always difficult to separate the truth from statements.
  5. because the sources i follow are legitimate, official news services in lithuania.
  6. because i don't really follow the conflict so closely, i don't fully trust it until i see multiple reports on the same situation.
  7. because the "western" media is also guilty of propaganda, whether you hate it or like it, nothing is 100% true.
  8. i chose a higher rate because the main source of information for me on this topic is certain people whom i trust as reliable sources. however, there are also many other sources that people do not follow, and they still appear in their feed, which i evaluate critically.
  9. there is some misinformation.
  10. i trust most of the news about the war, but sometimes i find myself believing in some russian propaganda because it was written on the news portal.
  11. because the sources i get information from are reliable in my opinion.
  12. there is always more information coming in.
  13. because some information later turns out to be false.
  14. if it appears on the feed, then i'll take a look.
  15. a lot of bias towards various questions, even those from ukraine's perspective.
  16. a lot of censorship happens.
  17. the information seen the next day is inaccurate.
  18. social media platforms usually provide space to express a person's own opinion, and quite often it's spontaneous and not based on more gathered information. therefore, i prefer to reconfirm information i read through different sources before considering it to be true.
  19. because i choose reliable sources.
  20. because i believe in them, but not completely with my heart.
  21. i don’t think everything is true, because they choose which information to spread and which not. one side tells one thing and the other side tells another thing. but i believe that most information is true.
  22. i think the whole truth is not forgiven by society.
  23. some information on social media is not true.
  24. because we often hear that something shown on social media may be propaganda.
  25. sometimes it is just too much of a bubble.
  26. there is a lot of propaganda.
  27. because there is usually one narrative promoted or a lot of false information.
  28. narrative to misuse facts to generate activity on the articles a.k.a. possible clickbait
  29. it depends on the platform where i read. i trust discord more than i trust news sites, so i don't read news sites.
  30. because my own country is ukraine and for now the news is completely true on our own tv and social channels.
  31. because the information i receive is usually not pro-russian and it presents facts and evidence.
  32. not everything is being told.
  33. i follow only one ukrainian account on instagram that provides all the new information about the war; however, i still have to use my critical thinking skills even if the source is mentioned. videos on tiktok are mostly from ukrainians themselves, who live or lived in ukraine during the war, so i don’t see why i shouldn’t trust them as much; however, i am cautious about that too, since not all people are sincere.
  34. there is room for disinformation, but all of those platforms usually contain good information.
  35. you never know. every person should be objective.
  36. because it's 50/50, it's not that hard to dig deeper and check if, for example, some "news" account is official and isn't spreading disinformation, but sometimes i forget to do it and just believe what it says.
  37. twitter contains reports of the latest events as they happen if you follow the right accounts (battle reports, statistics, etc.). other media may focus more on writing biased articles (15min, etc.), which is why i would not rate those platforms any higher than 5.
  38. media is media, i prefer to hear the stories from the people who have experienced it themselves.
  39. i feel like most of the information on social media regarding this conflict is true, but sometimes extreme headlines are written to provoke people's reactions, even if the real situation is not that extreme.
  40. i trust the major news platforms but not individual accounts.
  41. i use fairly reliable media.
  42. i always verify the facts to see if they are true or not. it is not healthy to trust everything.
  43. because some information can seem true, even though it is misleading, it is better not to trust it 100%.
  44. sometimes people hack accounts.
  45. i don't fully trust the information on the internet. it might be 50/50 true.