स्काउस बोली

कृपया, क्षेत्रीय पहिचानको संकेतको रूपमा स्काउसको बारेमा आफ्नो विचार साझा गर्नुहोस्

  1. passion for liverpool fc
  2. it should be a religion.
  3. i think it's nice to feel part of such an individual city that has a very strong sense of its own identity. the accent is very distinct and it does unite us.
  4. hopefully big
  5. i don't know what this means, mate xx
  6. i don't know what that means.
  7. i believe it brings us all together and makes people proud to live in liverpool.
  8. everyone knows a scouser and you can recognize the accent in an instant.
  9. cilla black
  10. everyone knows where we are from.
  11. scouse is good.
  12. different regions of england all have their own regional identities, for example london, birmingham, and manchester. i'd say that scousers are very proud of their identity; there is a saying in liverpool, "we're not english, we are scouse," and i think this shows that scousers see themselves as having a different identity from the rest of england. there are people who would say that liverpool is a dangerous place and who look down on people from liverpool. i would say this is maybe why scousers see themselves as having a strong identity apart from the rest of england. i hope this helps.
  13. i love being from liverpool, but there are some people from liverpool that i don't like being associated with, and i'm sure that happens in all areas and cities. we get a bad reputation.
  14. the "scouse language" is the most obvious way of showing where you're from. however, i don't personally use that many actual scouse words. the accent is what i've got. i've been away and lived with different people from the uk, and now i'm in korea, with people from all over the world. however, no matter where i've been, people can tell i'm from a little part of a little country. people know my city, and that's something to be damn proud of!
  15. important!
  16. because we have conversations and people will be like, "what??" and they can't understand us sometimes.
  17. easily recognizable because of tv use and the famous football club and beatles worldwide.
  18. liverpool is a very cosmopolitan city, but it is particularly strongly influenced by its irish links, especially in the accent. i've even heard people utter the phrase "we are not english. we are scouse." that's a fair reflection of the way some people think, but i wouldn't go that far, personally.
  19. unfortunately, as i mentioned earlier, a lot of other regions think scousers are bad people "scum." i just like to think we are upfront, speak our minds rather than hold back; sometimes that has backfired on liverpool in the past! we are a proud region, with our heritage and social communities and moral beliefs. we stick together! i'm proud to be a scouser! thanks, and good luck with your course!
  20. liverpool antes de inglaterra
  21. well, wherever you are in the world, people recognize the scouse accent and know you are from liverpool, uk.
  22. scouseland is amazing!
  23. it's very good.
  24. you can tell instantly that someone is from liverpool no matter where in the world you are from.
  25. scouse is unique. people from liverpool are proud of that fact, although it may have other people and their adverse opinions against them for it.
  26. okay, sounds good.
  27. i think that as a regional identity it is unique in england. many people from abroad don't realize that we are english from our accents. i'm very proud to be scouse because it will always give me an identity wherever i am in the world.
  28. it is good because you can create conversation, and people see you as more creative, and women view you as more of a fun guy.
  29. love it, liverpool is where we come from and scouse is what we are.
  30. the scouse accent is strongly identifiable. depending on which area of liverpool you come from, it can range from a slight accent to a strong accent.
  31. underestimated, misunderstood
  32. liverpool has a strong sense of community, and the scouse accent is almost like a passport to be accepted as part of that community wherever you are in the world. it is unique and quite distinct from all other accents - if i was in a bar in sydney, new york, bangkok, and i heard a scouse accent across the room, i would feel quite welcome (if inclined) to introduce myself and be recognized and accepted as one of the scouse family.
  33. it defines us as a group. it's ours and hard for others to copy properly.
  34. haaa boss
  35. it is an extremely important sign and therefore needs to be retained.
  36. we're not english, we are scouse.
  37. great
  38. i think most scousers are proud to be scouse and would be happy to be known as 'scouse' instead of 'english' etc. scousers are mainly laid back and generally nice, fun people. 'scousers have more fun!' i think many scousers are proud of their accent and where they come from and will not try to change to fit the situation. take us as you find us :p
  39. perfection
  40. i think it stands out. and we get stupid stereotypes tagged onto us, but it isn't true for all of us; we have a name for those types, scallys.
  41. our accent identifies the region we are from, as surrounding areas are not as broad. i hope this has been helpful to you. good luck.
  42. it's brilliant.
  43. i'm proud of my region and would never disguise my voice to avoid being labeled.
  44. scouse is the best accent and liverpool is the best place to live; i could never dream of living anywhere else.
  45. every area has a regional identity and it is unfair to stereotype.
  46. liver bird
  47. i find that people often have a stereotype in their head about liverpool. they try to copy the accent, make jokes about stolen cars, and generally take the mickey. but it's okay because we scousers have a good sense of humor and we can take it and then give it back!
  48. i think the accent is known all around the world, to be honest, and it is almost like a regional identity. i'm not sure it is liked everywhere, though, because of the simple-minded stereotypes.
  49. in my opinion, i think liverpool/scouse people are the most individual people on the planet (not being biased), just through how unique and diverse such a small place can seem so big.
  50. i'm happy to be one!
  51. scousers rock end of!
  52. proud, funny, honest, and loyal! but like any other city, it has a percentage of "scallys" (people who let everyone down and will only care for themselves!)
  53. because of the history!
  54. i am instantly recognized as a scouser everywhere i go in great britain, but people have identified my accent in spain and america.