調查企業形象對香港保險業的影響力 (以香港保險公司為例) Research on the influence of corporate image in Hong Kong insurance industry (The Case of Hong Kong insurance companies)

म हङकङ सिटी युनिभर्सिटीको व्यावसायिक अध्ययन संकायकोव्यापार प्रशासन रव्यवस्थापन अध्ययनको स्नातक विद्यार्थी हुँ।हाल मस्नातक थेसिसकोसन्दर्भमाएकअनुसन्धानगर्दैछुव्यापारिक छविकोहङकङको बीमा उद्योगमा प्रभावकोअनुसन्धान। यो प्रश्नावली बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्नको रूपमाउत्तर दिनु पर्नेछ, यसमालगभग पाँचदेखि दस मिनेटलाग्नेछयोप्रश्नावलीगोप्यरूपमाछ, यसले व्यक्तिको विशेष मूल्याङ्कनमा संलग्न गर्दैन,कृपया वास्तविक उत्तर दिनुहोस्, डेटा केवल शैक्षिक प्रयोजनका लागि हो, धन्यवाद।

म हङकङ सिटी युनिभर्सिटीको बीए (हन्स) व्यापार प्रशासन र व्यवस्थापन डिग्री कार्यक्रमको विद्यार्थी हुँ। म तपाईलाई एक अनुसन्धान अध्ययनमा भाग लिनको लागि आमन्त्रित गर्न चाहन्छु जसको उद्देश्य हङकङको बीमा उद्योगमा व्यापारिक छविको प्रभावको बारेमा डेटा संकलन गर्नु हो। यो सर्वेक्षणबहुविकल्पीय प्रश्नको रूपमा छ र पूर्ण गर्नलगभग 5-10 मिनेटलाग्नेछ। तपाईँको व्यक्तिगत गोपनीयता र तपाईँले प्रदान गरेको जानकारीको गोपनीयता अध्ययनमा प्रकाशित र लेखिएको डेटा विश्लेषणको परिणाममा कायम राखिनेछ। अध्ययन पूर्ण रूपमा गोप्य छ।कृपया कृपया यो सर्वेक्षणलाई तपाईँको आफ्नै अनुभव र रायको आधारमा पूरा गर्नुहोस्। धन्यवाद।

प्रश्नावलीका परिणाम सार्वजनिक रूपमा उपलब्ध छन्

年齡 Age

性別 Gender

教育水平 Education Level

個人每月收入 Monthly Personal Income

保險公司提供足夠的保險種類 Insurance companies offered enough variety of insurance.

保險公司提供足夠的投資工具種類 Insurance company offered enough variety of investment tools.

客戶可從保險公司獲得滿意的投資盈利 Clients receive satisfied investment profit form insurance company.

客戶可從保險公司獲得滿意的儲蓄利率 Clients receive satisfied saving interest form insurance company.

保險公司提供吸引的產品及服務 The products and services that insurance company offered are attractive.

保險公司提供有質素的產品及服務 Insurance company offered quality products and services.

保險顧問瞭解客戶的具體需求 Insurance agents understand clients’ specific needs.

保險顧問遷就客戶方便的約會時間和地點 Insurance agents have meeting time and location convenient to clients.

保險顧問有充足的專業知識去回答客戶問題 Insurance agents have knowledge to answer clients’ questions.

保險顧問對客戶灌輸信心 Insurance agents instill confidence in clients.

保險顧問對客戶彬彬有禮 Insurance agents consistently courteous with clients.

保險顧問的打扮是整齊美觀 Insurance agents are well dressed and neat in appearance.

保險公司有良好的口碑 Insurance companies have good reputation.

保險公司備受外界尊敬 Insurance companies are well respected.

保險公司會為客戶精心打算 Insurance companies are well thought of.

保險公司是有信譽的 Insurance companies are reputable.

保險公司有社會地位 Insurance companies have status.

媒體關於保險公司的報導整體上是正面的 Information on media about insurance companies is generally good.

媒體對保險公司有高度評價 Media speak highly for insurance companies.

媒體對保險公司的產品 (如: 保險,投資工具和儲蓄工具) 的評價高於其他金融機構 (如: 銀行) Media speak higher for insurance companies’ products (e.g.: insurance, investment tools and saving tools) than other financial groups (e.g.: bank).

家人及熟悉的人對保險公司有高度評價 Family/acquaintances think highly of insurance companies.

家人及熟悉的人對保險公司的產品 (如: 保險,投資工具和儲蓄工具) 的評價高於其他金融機構 (如: 銀行) Family/acquaintances speak higher for insurance companies’ products (e.g.: insurance, investment tools and saving tools) than for other financial groups (e.g.: bank).

家人及熟悉的人對保險公司的意見大致是正面的 Family/acquaintance’s opinions of insurance companies are generally positive.

你記得大部分保險公司的象徵或標誌 You can recall the symbol or logo of most of the insurance companies.

你可以在眾多的金融機構中能識別出保險公司 You can recognize insurance companies among other financial groups.

你知道有那些保險公司 You aware of the insurance companies.

你能說出保險公司的一些特性 Some characteristics of insurance companies come to your mind quickly.

你選擇保險公司作為購買保險的首選 You consider insurance companies as your first choice for purchasing insurance.

你想與保險公司保持密切的關係 You want to keep close relationship with the insurance companies.

你會在未來再次光顧保險公司 You will attend insurance companies again in the future.

如果你與保險公司發生問題,你會向其競爭對手如銀行的職員投訴 You complain to the competitors staffs (e.g.: bank) if you experience a problem with insurance companies.

如果你與保險公司發生問題,你會向其他機構如金管局投訴 You complain to other organizations (e.g.: Hong Kong Monetary Authority) if you experience a problem with insurance companies.

如果你與保險公司發生問題,你會向保險顧問投訴 You complain to an insurance companies’ agent if you experience a problem with insurance companies.

如果你與保險公司發生問題,你會告訴保險公司的其他客戶 You report to other consumers if you experience a problem with insurance companies.

你向他人講述保險公司正面的資訊 You say positive things about the insurance companies to other people.

你會推薦保險公司給尋求專業意見的人 You recommend the insurance companies to someone who seeks advice.

你會鼓勵朋友去購買保險產品 You encourage friends to go to buy the insurance products.

你會鼓勵你的親戚,朋友和同事光顧保險公司 You encourage your relatives, friends and colleagues to patronize in the insurance companies.

你願意在保險公司付出比其他金融集團更高的價格 獲取從保險公司得到的好處 You are willing to pay a higher price than other financial groups charge, for the benefits you receive from insurance companies.

你不會轉投其他提供更吸引價格的金融機構 You will not go to other financial groups that offer more attractive prices.

即使價格上升, 你仍然會使用保險公司的服務 You would continue to use the service of insurance companies if its price increases.

整體來說你滿意保險公司的各方面 You feel overall satisfied with insurance companies.

保險公司總能滿足你的期望 Insurance companies never fail to fulfill your expectations.

你覺得自己在保險公司購買服務是做了正確的事情 You did the right thing when you purchased the service offered by insurance companies.


保險公司提供的服務讓你感覺良好 The service offered by insurance companies makes you feel good.