ORATORIJA परियोजनाको तपाईंको पल्लोमा कस्तो स्थान छ? तपाईं यससँग कति सन्तुष्ट हुनुहुन्छ? तपाईं ORATORIJA बाहेक अन्य गतिविधिहरूको आयोजना गर्नुहुन्छ? कति पटक भेट्नुहुन्छ?

  1. we meet for the animated oratory about four times. the animators who participate are mostly also animators throughout the year during regular religious education... the oratory is a very welcome thing for parents because it ensures the care of their children. children from practically all over slovenia join - it's a good location for everyone who works in the center of ljubljana.
  2. in our parish, the oratory was a project. a few meetings, execution, and that's it. this year we had it for the first time and we were very satisfied. if we continue with the oratory, we will organize the meetings earlier, with richer content, with professional assistance, much earlier. there are a lot of activities taking place in the parish, but none are related (in content, thematically) to the oratory.
  3. connecting the entire parish; we meet every two weeks, and in the summer months, we also meet up to twice a week, the animators go to the sea for the weekend in the summer, and during the oratory, the animators sleep in the parish premises; the groups intertwine so that we are active in scouting, and from the oratory animators, we have also established confirmation groups, preparing the nativity scene.
  4. throughout the year, we do not meet in the context of animator meetings (except before the oratory days), but at youth catechism, choir... the oratory is an important part of the holiday program that is offered to children not only by the parish but also by the community. practically, nothing else aimed at children happens in our area during the summer. at the same time, it gives young people the opportunity for activity, good company, belonging, and personal growth in faith.
  5. the oratory plays a significant role for us. we organize two summer oratories, an autumn oratory, and oratory afternoons once a month.
  6. the oratory project holds a very important place in our parish. when it comes to children and youth, the oratory represents probably the most important parish event for us. the main reason is primarily the positive response and willingness of all parishioners to help with the implementation of the oratory. certainly, the majority of the work is done by the animators. we are very satisfied with the project. we grow spiritually and personally, while also bringing true values closer to the children through play and conversation. more broadly, we also show parents and fellow villagers that this is indeed a very positive project. we meet often. before the oratory, we have about 5 longer meetings (starting at the end of march), followed by meetings of individual groups (songs & dances, stage, large games, opening & closing events...). the week before the oratory, we spend the weekend together, and the last two days before the start are usually dedicated to work activities (setting up the stage, transporting materials, etc.). the end of the oratory does not mean the end of animator meetings. we meet at various evenings (entertaining, creative, debating, etc.) and as a group, we also prepare st. nicholas day (a play for children upon the arrival of st. nicholas), carnival celebrations, and participate in other projects in the parish (mother's day, charity concerts). the boys organize some sports tournaments, and the girls organize a concert, etc.
  7. the oratory is the largest project in our parish that involves young animators and participants. i am very satisfied with it, as it is a well-established organizing team, but it is always a new challenge, especially to recruit a sufficient number of animators. we meet from march onwards, initially every two weeks, and later every week. in addition to the oratory, we also organize an oratory day (one or two a year), a christmas mass, st. nicholas celebration, and we are working on revitalizing the youth group.
  8. the oratory in our parish is successful every year, but we notice a constant and gradual decline in participants. we have it once a year. meetings take place from april onwards every two weeks, and as we get closer to the oratory, once a week.
  9. the oratory plays an important role in the holiday activities. both the children and the animators are very satisfied, as evidenced by their numbers.
  10. the oratory is actually the central event in the parish for both the youth (animators) and the children as participants. through the animator group, other activities in the parish have also begun to awaken - youth masses, bands, youth meetings...
  11. the oratory has great significance for us, as it has been a very pleasant activity during the summer for several years now. in the past, we used to have so-called "saturday camps," but now we only have the summer oratory. we are considering having an oratory day, but it will probably be realized next year.
  12. the oratory is an important part of the parish, but i am not present in the parish throughout the year; i lead the oratory in one parish, but i live in another.